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MobTorgg Thundertotem
Image of Torgg Thundertotem
Gender Male
Race Furbolg (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grizzly Hills[23, 64]VZ-Grizzly HillsBlip
Status Killable

Torgg Thundertotem is a furbolg summoned in the Conquest Pit in Grizzly Hills.


  • Spell nature chainlightning Chain Lightning — Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 10 targets, inflicting greater Nature damage to each successive target.
  • Spell fire searingtotem Corrupted Nova Totem — Summons a Tainted Nova Totem at the caster's feet.
  • Spell nature earthshock Earth Shock — Shocks an enemy with concussive force, inflicting Nature damage and interrupting the spell being cast for 2 sec.
  • Spell nature magicimmunity Healing Wave — Calls upon Nature magic to heal an ally.

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