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Image of Tortunok
Title <Druid Armor>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 80
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ashen Verdict[citation needed] 
Location Light's Hammer, Icecrown Citadel
Status Alive

Tortunok is a tauren found in Light's Hammer of Icecrown Citadel. He sells the Tier 10 armor for druids.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Item Cost
Inv helmet 148 [Lasherweave Cover] 55g 16s 95c
Inv gauntlets 83 [Lasherweave Gauntlets] 34g 2s 26c
Inv gauntlets 83 [Lasherweave Gloves] 34g 56s 52c
Inv gauntlets 83 [Lasherweave Handgrips] 35g 22s 20c
Inv helmet 148 [Lasherweave Headguard] 52g 23s 62c
Inv helmet 148 [Lasherweave Helmet] 50g 83s 86c
Inv pants leather 35 [Lasherweave Legguards] 69g 51s 86c
Inv pants leather 35 [Lasherweave Legplates] 68g 17s 69c
Inv shoulder 111 [Lasherweave Mantle] 54g 78s 16c
Inv shoulder 111 [Lasherweave Pauldrons] 51g 81s 64c
Inv chest leather 21 [Lasherweave Raiment] 70g 29s 94c
Inv chest leather 21 [Lasherweave Robes] 74g 50s 19c
Inv shoulder 111 [Lasherweave Shoulderpads] 51g 84s 30c
Inv pants leather 35 [Lasherweave Trousers] 73g 43s 71c
Inv chest leather 21 [Lasherweave Vestment] 69g 3c
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Cover]
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Cover]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Gauntlets]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Gauntlets]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Handgrips]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Sanctified Lasherweave Handgrips]
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Headguard]
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Headguard]
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Helmet]
Inv helmet 148 [Sanctified Lasherweave Helmet]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Legguards]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Legguards]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Legplates]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Legplates]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Mantle]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Mantle]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Pauldrons]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Pauldrons]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Raiment]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Raiment]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Robes]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Robes]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Shoulderpads]
Inv shoulder 111 [Sanctified Lasherweave Shoulderpads]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Trousers]
Inv pants leather 35 [Sanctified Lasherweave Trousers]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Vestment]
Inv chest leather 21 [Sanctified Lasherweave Vestment]



Greetings, hero. I craft and sell Freya's Lasherweave armor for druids.

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