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AllianceTotal Temple Destruction
Start Megs
End Kelsey Steelspark
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 22,300
Rewards Inv radientazeritefragment [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (500x Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
46g 80s
Previous A [60] The Embiggining
Next A [60] A Nice Nap


Command Grong to defeat the Horde at Temple of the Prophet.


Grong is our greatest achievement, and he's ready to be unleashed!

The Horde is staging its troops at a temple to the north.

Magister Umbric's portal will get you there fast. Then Grong can get to work!


You will receive:


I'm not sure how I feel, <name>.

The Embiggifier worked, but Grong won't ever be the same.

I suppose it's what he wanted, and what we need if we hope to win this war.


Speaking with Grong
  • Grong yells: Grong strong! STROOONG GRONG!
  • Grong yells: Moar big! Bigger! MOAR! GROOONG!
Objective complete
Grong becomes enraged.
Morton Cogswald says: Abort! Abort! He's out of control!
Megs says: Umbric, we need a portal, pronto!
Grong enters a Void Portal.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Oh good, you're awake! Sorry about what happened back there...

Back in Xibala, Grong is chained by the three gnomes and Umbric.


  1. A [60] Changing Course (optional)
  2. A [60] Sensitive Intel
  3. A [60] This is Huge!
  4. A [60] Real Big Power
  5. A [60] A Beast with Brains
  6. A [60] Out of Options & A [60] Freedom for the Da'kani
  7. A [60] Bittersweet Goodbyes
  8. A [60] The Needs of the Many
  9. A [60] Bring the Base
  10. A [60] Fit for Grong & A [60] Calibrate the Core
  11. A [60] The Embiggining
  12. A [60] Total Temple Destruction
  13. A [60] A Nice Nap
  14. A [60] The Sleeper Agent

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