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For the achievement, see Inv misc head undead 01 [Tough Love].
NeutralTough Love
Start Zosime
End Zosime
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 8,500
Reputation +100 The Ascended
Rewards Inv glove cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Gloves]
or Inv glove oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Gloves]
or Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 glove [Humble Aspirant's Gauntlets]
or Inv glove plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Gauntlets]
71g 60s 40c
Previous N [51-60] A Test of Courage

We need to be stern but gentle. Maybe her slobber ball will provide the proper distraction.


Retrieve Korinna's Allaying Crook from Kala inside her den.


Heavens! Kala has flown off with Korinna's Allaying Crook!

I saw her fly into her den to the west. I must warn you, she can become very protective when she's in there. Please be careful but do not be afraid to give her some tough love. She is exceptionally resilient.

Here, take her slobber ball. It's her favorite and may help to distract her.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv glove cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Gloves] Inv glove oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Gloves]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 glove [Humble Aspirant's Gauntlets] Inv glove plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Gauntlets]

You will also receive:


Do you have the crook?


With the crook and Korinna's guidance, I can begin to bring this place and its creatures back to their former state of respite. Thank you, <name>.


Go to Kala's Den in Bastion. Beat Kala to about 50%, using the Throw Slobber Ball extra button as a distraction. Kala will drop the crook and fly off.

Upon completion
Memory of Korinna says: Well done. Your service to this place and these animals is commendable.
Memory of Korinna says: In the years to come, I will guide you in the use of the staff to restore the garden and its creatures, Zosime.
Zosime says: Thank you, great one. You humble me.
Zosime says: Now Kala, you were very naughty today. Apologize.

Kala yawns

Zosime says: Close enough. Thank you again, <name>. Go in service.


Optional breadcrumb N [51-60] Garden in Turmoil

  1. N [51-60] Disturbing the Peace, N [51-60] Distractions for Kala
  2. N [51-60] A Test of Courage
  3. N [51-60] Tough Love

Alpha version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.

Heavens! Kala has flown off with the staff!

I expect that she may have taken it to her den to the west. I must warn you, she can become very protective when she is in her den. Please be careful retrieving the staff.

Do not be afraid to give her some tough love. She is exceptionally resilient.

Oh, and take some of her toys. They may help distract her.


With this I can begin to bring this place back to its former glory. Thank you, <name>.

Zosime says: Your service to this place and these animals is commendable. I will work to preserve this as a sanctuary for all life in Bastion.
Zosime says: Kala, you were very naughty today. Apologize to <name>.
Zosime says: Close enough. Thank you again. Go in service.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
