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MobTower of Ilgalar
Tower of Ilgalar
Type Mage tower
Leader(s) Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male IconSmall DragonBlack Grand Magus Doane ā€ 
IconSmall Human Male Morganth ā€ 
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Gnoll Gnoll
Affiliation(s) Independent, Shadowhide Gnoll Clan, Blackrock clan
Location Eastern Redridge Mountains
Status Active

The Tower of Ilgalar is a mage tower in the eastern part of the Redridge Mountains, and was once controlled by Morganth, a powerful sorcerer who controlled the Shadowhide Gnoll Clan of gnolls. After being exiled from the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City, he took up residence here to continue his study of the dark arts.

At some point, Morganth was replaced by Grand Magus Doane, who is actually the black dragon Darkblaze.


There are a few quests involving the tower and its occupant, including A [23] Solomon's Law. By using a magical artifact, called Eye of Azora, within Tower of Azora, you are able to see Tower of Ilgalar and its surroundings. This is placed near the Tower of Ilgalar during the quest A [21] A Watchful Eye obtained in the Tower of Azora.

Throughout the tower are dragon bones hung on display. On the top level, a small alchemy table also holds a human skull and a dragon skull. It is not known what interest Morganth has in these relics.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

In the Tower of Il'galar, located northeast of Lakeshire and directly north of Stonewatch Falls, resides the mage Morganth and his supporters and servants. Exiled from Stormwind for using dark magic, he remains the enemy of Theocritus in Elwynn Forest.[1]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The namesake of the tower, Ilgalar, may be an unknown entity just like Azora. The theory is that the both entities are each other counterparts, where Azora is the "good one" and Ilgalar the "evil one". They both have much in common:



External links[]
