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NeutralTownlong Yak
Image of Townlong Yak
Race Yak (Beast)
Level 25-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Fields of Niuzao, Townlong Steppes
Status Alive

Townlong Yaks are yaks provided for N [25-35] Pick a Yak.

There are 10 different Townlong Yaks:

  • Mean Townlong Yak
  • Smelly Townlong Yak
  • Angry Townlong Yak
  • Stabby Townlong Yak
  • Mean Angry Townlong Yak
  • Stabby Smelly Townlong Yak
  • Angry Stabby Townlong Yak
  • Mean Smelly Townlong Yak
  • Mean, Smelly, Angry, Stabby, Very Bad Townlong Yak
  • Wild

Objective of[]


  • Yak Bash Melee range — Inflicts damage to an enemy, knocking it back. Instant. Hits for ~6600 Physical on cloth. Has a knock-up component.
  • Musk Cloud — Deals periodic Nature damage to nearby enemies. Ticks once per second for 3779 Nature.
  • Focused Strikes Melee range — Slices rapidly at the enemy for 5 sec. Channeled. Triggers...
  • *Focused Strike Melee range — Slices rapidly at the enemy, dealing 50% weapon damage. Instant. Hits for 2800-3500 Physical on cloth every 0.5 sec.
  • Lumbering Charge — Charges an enemy's location, inflicting Physical damage to all players within 3 yards.
  • Scared — Get scared. Instant. Self-"buff". Runs in fear to the exclusion of any attacks.
  • Very Bad Yak — Very bad yak. Instant. Increases total health to 542,000. Opens with Lumbering Charge, uses Yak Bash or Focused Strikes. Drops Musk Clouds.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Mean Smelly Angry Stabby Mean Angry Stabby Smelly Angry Stabby Mean Smelly Mean, Smelly, Angry, Stabby, Very Bad Wild