- Toy Train Set
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Toy
- Use: Set down your Toy Train Set. (30 Min Cooldown)
- "All Aboard!"
- Sell Price: 62

Toy Train Set.
The Toy Train Set is sold in Dalaran and Stormwind City for 250 by:
- Jepetto Joybuzz <Toymaker>
- Clockwork Assistant <Jepetto's Companion>
- Craggle Wobbletop <Toys and Novelties>
- Takes 3 seconds to place, reusable, and lasts 1.5 minutes.
- By using this, your character places a small, circular railroad and a train, which goes around the rails. It also causes all nearby players that are in your party or raid group to do /train emote.
- Many people do not find this funny:
- There are various addons that will reveal the player who put the train set.
- The opposite of the Toy train set is the
[Wind-Up Train Wrecker]. It is a small robot that smashes the toy train set.
[Lil' XT] serves the same purpose; he takes longer to smash the train but has no cooldown.
- This item can get you kicked from a raid group if you are found to drop one for any reason.
- Many people do not find this funny:
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Toy Train Set once more triggers the /train emote. However, it now only affects party and raid members.
Hotfix (2014-11-13): Toy Train Set has been temporarily disabled.
- Toy can still be used, but does not trigger the /train emote.
- Toy can still be used, but does not trigger the /train emote.
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added to the Toy Box.
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
External links[]
Item | Object |