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This article lists the history of items available at the Trading Post.


February 2023[]

February 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Ability nightsaber2mountsunmoon [Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn]

February 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Ability mount celestialhorse [Celestial Steed] 900 Shop mount
Inv misc questionmark [Fury of the Firelord] 750 Cosmetic mace
Inv misc questionmark [Garrlok] 750 Battle pet
Inv armor bloodsailbuccaneer b 01 chest [Ensemble: Swashbuckling Buccaneer's Slops] 650 Ensemble
Inv staff 2h felfireraid d 03 [Shattered Voidspire] 500 Cosmetic staff
Inv misc questionmark [Infiltrator's Bandolier] 250 Cosmetic back
Inv misc questionmark [Operative's Bandolier] 250 Cosmetic back
Inv weapon shortblade 49 [Shard of Frozen Secrets] 200 Cosmetic dagger
Inv weapon bow 45 [Azure Scalesworn Longbow] 200 Cosmetic bow
Inv mace 2h newplayer a 01 [Squire's Warhammer] 100 Cosmetic mace
Inv collections armor flowerbracelet a 01 [Rosy Corsage] 100 Cosmetic wrist
Inv collections armor hood b 01 pink [Ensemble: Vagabond's Rosy Threads] 100 Ensemble
Inv collections armor neckerchief b 01 pink [Ensemble: Wanderer's Rosy Trappings] 100 Ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Fetid Bouquet] 100 Cosmetic off-hand
Inv cape plate warfrontsalliance d 01 [Iridescent Warcloak] 100 Cosmetic cloak

March 2023[]

March 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Darkmoon Harlequin's Bells]

March 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv helm plate raidpaladin o 01 [Ensemble: Fel-Automaton Exoplate] 850 Ensemble
Inv helm mail vrykuldragonrider b 01 [Ensemble: Glorious Dragonrider's Mail] 750 Ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Trusty Treasure Trove] 750 Back
Inv misc pet 03 [Pandaren Monk] 650 Battle pet
Inv sword 122 [Frozen Shadow] 400 One-handed sword
Inv shield 38 [Filigreed Lion's Maw] 250 Shield
Inv misc questionmark [Triumphant Blademaster's Greatsword] 225 Two-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Shadowy Blademaster's Greatsword] 225 Two-hand sword
Inv helmet 66 [Dread Admiral's Bicorne] 175 Cosmetic helm
Inv cape basic plain a 02 black [Ensemble: Vagabond's Midnight Threads] 100 Ensemble
Inv cape basic plain a 02 black [Ensemble: Wanderer's Midnight Trappings] 100 Ensemble
Inv misc 1h bucket b 01 [Gnomish Liquid Transfer Apparatus] 75 Off-hand frill
Inv cape plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Greatcloak of the Virtuous Protector] 50 Back
Inv misc questionmark [Fabulously Flashy Finery] 50 Shirt

April 2023[]

April 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Arsenal: Blades of Elune]

April 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv misc questionmark [Reins of the Magenta Cloud Serpent] 900 Mount
Inv helm cloth vrykulcaster b 01 [Ensemble: Corrupted Runelord's Regalia] 750 Cosmetic ensemble
Inv pet egbert [Egbob] 600 Companion pet
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Trapper's Munitions] 500 Cosmetic ensemble
Inv mace 1h deathwingraid d 01 [Gilded Drakkonid Morningstar] 450 One-hand mace
Inv axe 04 [Crimson Nexus Crescent] 225 Two-hand axe
Inv misc questionmark [Libram of Righteous Light] 225 Off-hand frill
Inv misc questionmark [Tome of Sin'dorei Secrets] 225 Off-hand frill
Inv weapon hand 06 [Fists of Polar Fury] 175 Fist weapon
Inv helm cloth petsafari a 01 [Red Pith Helmet] 175 Head
Inv cape legionraiddeathknight d 01 [Drape of Foreboding Mists] 100 Back
Inv misc questionmark [Fine White Evening Gloves] 100 Hands
Inv misc questionmark [Forsaken Cresset] 100 Off-hand frill
Inv misc questionmark [Watchman's Flare] 100 Off-hand frill
Inv sword 2h newplayer a 02 [Honed Bastard Sword] 100 Two-hand sword

May 2023[]

May 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Savage Green Battle Turtle]

May 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv helm cloth legionraid d 01 [Ensemble: Vestment of the Honored Valarjar] 850 Ensemble
Inv helm leather vrykulhunter b 01 [Ensemble: Kvaldir Scout Leathers] 750 Ensemble
Creatureportrait robot doberman [Pippin] 600 Pet
Inv sword 1h draenorraid d 03purple [Fang of the Mountain] 400 One-hand sword
Inv helm circlet firelands d 01 [Lost Crown of the Arcane] 200 Helm
Inv firearm 2h rifle draenordungeon c 01 [Black Iron Blunderbuss] 200 Two-hand rifle
Inv sword 1h arakkoa b 01 [Tiercel's Wing] 200 One-hand sword
Inv helm cloth pirate b 01 red [Crimson Bicorne] 175 Helm
Inv staff 2h draenorhonors2 c 04 [Merciless Trapper's Staff] 150 Staff
Inv misc questionmark [Sunbleached Grimskull Cinch] 100 Belt
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Snowy Trappings] 100 Helm/cloak
Inv collections armor hood b 01 white [Ensemble: Vagabond's Snowy Threads] 100 Helm/cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Well-Worn Grimskull Cinch] 100 Belt
Inv cape 430dungeon c 04 [High Priestess's Ceremonial Drape] 50 Cloak
Inv bow 1h newplayer a 01 [Huntsman's Recurve Bow] 50 Bow
Inv knife 1h newplayer a 02 [Sharpened Shank] 50 Dagger

June 2023[]

June 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: [Quawks]

June 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv bee red [Buzzworth] 600 Battle pet
Inv aqirflyingmount yellow [Royal Swarmer's Reins] 750 Mount
Inv lavahorse [Cindermane Charger] 900 Mount (former Recruit A Friend mount)
Inv misc questionmark [Shifty Merchant's Tunic] 50 Shirt transmog
Inv misc cape 01 [Magister's Jeweled Drape] 50 Cloak transmog
Inv axe 2h war b 02 hd [Veteran Grunt's Chopper] 50 2-handed axe transmog
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Vagabond's Carrot Threads] 100 Hood and cloak transmog
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Carrot Trappings] 100 Hood and cloak transmog
Inv offhand 1h felfireraid d 02 [Pustulent Demonheart Fetish] 150 Offhand transmog
Inv shield 28 [Sentinel's Tower Shield] 150 Shield transmog
Inv chest cloth 46 [Emberstone Dress] 150 Robe transmog
Inv helm suncrown d 01 [Jewel of the Firelord] 400 Helm transmog
Inv knife 1h felfireraid d 04 [Flame-Forged Fel Fang] 450 Dagger transmog
Inv staff 2h pvpdraenors2 d 01 [Sunspire Battle Staff] 500 Staff transmog
Inv polearm 2h fellord 03 [Soulburner Bardiche] 550 Polearm transmog
Inv helm plate vrykulwarrior b 01 [Ensemble: Helarjar Berserker Warplate] 750 Plate set transmog

July 2023[]

July 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv companiondrake netherwing teal [Grotto Netherwing Drake]

July 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Ability mount spectraltiger [Spectral Tiger Cub] 750 Battle pet
Ability mount tyraelmount [Tyrael's Charger] 900 Mount
Ability mount hordescorpiongreen [Reins of the Felcrystal Scorpion] 650 Mount
Inv misc questionmark [Fabulously Flashy Finery] 50 Shirt transmog
[Primeval Basher] 50 1-handed mace transmog
[Polished Shortsword] 75 1-handed sword transmog
[Silvered Warcloak] 75 Cloak transmog
[Ensemble: Vagabond's Violet Threads] 100 Hood and cloak transmog
[Ensemble: Wanderer's Violet Trappings] 100 Hood and cloak transmog
Inv weapon hand 06 [Fists of Polar Fury] 175 Fist weapon transmog
[Sinister Fel Staff] 175 Staff transmog
[Mephistroth's Razor] 200 1-handed sword transmog
Inv misc questionmark [Helm of the Fierce] 225 Helm transmog
Inv misc questionmark [Helm of the Swift] 225 Helm transmog
Inv shield 38 [Filigreed Lion's Maw] 250 Shield transmog
[Aldori War Mace] 500 2-handed mace transmog
[Antoran Felspire] 600 Staff transmog
[Conquest] 600 2-handed sword transmog
[Ensemble: Sylvan Stalker's Leathers] 750 Leather set transmog

August 2023[]

August 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Bones of the Bloodhunter]

August 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv jewelry amulet 03 [Spirit of Competition] 650 Battle pet
Ability racial etherealconnection [Ethereal Transmogrifier] 500 Toy
Inv encrypted22 [Alabaster Thunderwing] 650 Mount (Horde)
Inv encrypted21 [Alabaster Stormtalon] 650 Mount (Alliance)
Inv misc questionmark [Ancestral Clefthoof] 650 Mount
Inv shield 1h newplayer a 01 [City Guard Heater Shield] 50 Shield
Inv shield 1h newplayer a 01 [Grunt's Buckler] 50 Shield
Inv misc questionmark [Queen's Conservatory Ball Gloves] 100 Gloves
Inv misc questionmark [Ember Court Soiree Gloves] 100 Gloves
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Vagabond's Azure Threads] 100 Head and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Azure Trappings] 100 Head and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Vagabond's Crimson Threads] 100 Head and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Crimson Trappings] 100 Head and cloak
Inv weapon bow 45 [Azure Scalesworn Longbow] 200 Bow
Inv weapon shortblade 49 [Shard of Frozen Secrets] 200 One-hand dagger
Inv axe 04 [Azure Nexus Crescent] 225 Two-hand axe
Inv axe 04 [Crimson Nexus Crescent] 225 Two-hand axe
Inv misc questionmark [Aquamarine Felfire Bulwark] 400 Shield
Inv misc questionmark [Aquamarine Felfire Splitblade] 400 One-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Ruby Felfire Bulwark] 400 Shield
Inv misc questionmark [Ruby Felfire Splitblade] 400 One-hand sword
Inv helm eternalwinter d 01 [Crown of Eternal Winter] 400 Head
Inv helm hungeringdarkness d 01 [Hood of Hungering Darkness] 400 Head
Inv knife 1h felfireraid d 02 [Blade of Brutal Sacrifice] 400 One-hand dagger
Inv misc questionmark [Fury of the Firelord] 750 One-hand mace

September 2023[]

September 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Crusty Crawler]

September 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv misc questionmark [Plate of the Light Avenger] 450 Paladin Paladin ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Armaments of the Light Avenger] 500 Paladin Paladin weapons
Inv misc questionmark [Silks of the Unnamed Cult] 450 Priest Priest ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Secrets of the Unnamed Cult] 500 Priest Priest weapons
Inv misc questionmark [Blood Onyx Uniform] 450 Rogue Rogue ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Blood Onyx Blades] 500 Rogue Rogue weapons
Inv misc questionmark [High Scholar's Grand Staff] 500 Staff
Inv misc questionmark [Slyvy] 650 Pet
Inv sword 1h newplayer a 02 [Gently-Used Cleaver] 50 One-hand sword
Inv misc 1h ogreminingtool a 01 [Gorian Mining Pick] 50 Mining tool
Inv misc questionmark [Watchman's Flare] 100 Off-hand frill
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Sunny Trappings] 100 Head and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Vagabond's Sunny Threads] 100 Head and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Burgundy Cap] 150 Head
Inv misc questionmark [Yellow Tweed Cap] 150 Head
Inv helmet 66 [Dread Admiral's Bicorne] 175 Head
Inv helmet 66 [Irontide Raider's Bicorne] 175 Head
Inv misc questionmark [Ancestral Skychaser Totem] 250 Back
Inv misc questionmark [Ancestral Stonehoof Totem] 250 Back
Inv cape special brewfest d 01 orange [Homebrewer's Sampling Crest] 500 Back
Inv armor bloodsailbuccaneer b 01 chest [Ensemble: Swashbuckling Buccaneer's Slops] 650 Ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Trusty Treasure Trove] 750 Back

October 2023[]

October 2023 Traveler's Log completion reward: Inv misc questionmark [Eve's Ghastly Rider]

October 2023 Trading Post shop items
Item Cost Note
Inv infernalmountblue [Dim Coldflame Core] 700 Mount
Inv misc urn 01 [Lil' Phylactery] 650 Pet
Inv hand 1h draenorraid d 01 [Corrupted Bladefist] 525 Fist weapon
Inv misc questionmark [High Scholar's Grand Staff] 500 Staff
Inv misc questionmark [Ashamane's Blessings of Rebirth] 500 Druid Druid weapons
Inv misc questionmark [Webbed Saronite Weaponry] 500 DeathKnight Death knight weapons
Inv misc questionmark [Nathreza Blasphemer's Glaives] 500 DemonHunter Demon hunter weapons
Inv misc questionmark [Headmaster's Skullcap] 500 Helm
Inv misc questionmark [Headmaster's Command] 500 Staff
Inv mace 1h deathwingraid d 01 [Gilded Drakkonid Morningstar] 450 Mace
Inv misc questionmark [Nathreza Blasphemer's Flames] 450 DemonHunter Demon hunter ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Webbed Saronite Exoskeleton] 450 DeathKnight Death knight ensemble
Inv misc questionmark [Ashamane's Vestment of Rebirth] 450 Druid Druid ensemble
Inv potion 27 [Imp in a Ball] 350 Toy
Inv misc questionmark [Feathered Cowl of the Guardian] 225 Head
Inv misc questionmark [Helm of the Fierce] 225 Head
Inv offhand 1h draenorraid d 01 [Caged Eye of the Watcher] 225 Held in off-hand
Inv helm cloth witchhat b 01 [Granny's Old Hat] 175 Head
Inv misc questionmark [Gleaming Mail Tabard] 125 Tabard
Inv misc questionmark [Shadowy Mail Tabard] 125 Tabard
Inv misc questionmark [Feathered Drape of the Guardian] 100 Cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Well-Worn Grimskull Cinch] 100 Belt
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Vagabond's Lively Threads] 100 Hood and cloak
Inv misc questionmark [Ensemble: Wanderer's Lively Trappings] 100 Scarf and cloak
Inv misc 1h thunderlordwinehammer a 01 [Wine-Soaked Hammer] 75 Hammer
Inv misc questionmark [Shifty Merchant's Tunic] 50 Shirt
Inv cape legionraidwarlock d 01 [Drape of Endless Twilight] 50 Cloak