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For the quest, see N [50-60 Daily] Traversing Torghast.
Inv inscription 80 deck squalls
  • 10 Achievement points
  • Traversing Torghast
  • Successfully complete Layer 4 of each of the following sections of Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
  • Criteria:
    • Skoldus Hall
    • The Soulforges
    • Mort'regar
    • Fracture Chambers
    • Coldheart Interstitia
    • The Upper Reaches

Traversing Torghast is the second in a series of three achievements awarded for completing all wings of Torghast, Tower of the Damned. For this achievement, players must kill the layer bosses of each of the six wings in layer 4.

Two wings are available each week, so this achievement will require a minimum of three weekly resets to complete.


  1. Inv inscription 80 deck squalls [Touring Torghast]
  2. Inv inscription 80 deck squalls [Traversing Torghast]
  3. Inv inscription 80 deck squalls [Terror of Torghast]

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