- For the old item that was rewarded from doing dailies, see
[Treasures of the Vale].
- Treasures of the Vale
- Binds when picked up
- Requires Level 90
- <Right Click to Open>
Treasures of the Vale drop from the old "boss" daily quest mobs that are now rare spawns in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
This can contain the following items:
- 20x
[Snow Lily]
- 20x
- 20x
[Fool's Cap]
- 20x
[Rain Poppy]
- 20x
[Green Tea Leaf]
- 1-4x
[Golden Lotus]
- 20x
[Ghost Iron Ore]
- 1-2x
[White Trillium Ore]
- 1-2x
[Black Trillium Ore]
- 20x
[Exotic Leather]
- 1-2x
[Magnificent Hide]
- 20x
[Spirit Dust]
- 1x
[Sha Crystal]
- 20x
[Windwool Cloth]
- 1-3x
[Bolt of Windwool Cloth]
- 1-2x
[Elixir of Wandering Spirits]
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.