Ancient Faction
Night Elf Sentinels Statistics Hit points
2000 Hit point regeneration
Night Hit point regeneration rate
0.50 HP/sec. Level
3 Gold
330 Lumber
200 Food
Produces 10 Produced at
Tree of Ages Build time
140 sec. Repair time
130 sec. Requires
Altar of Elders Hotkey
U Combat Weapon(s)
Ancient Claws Normal attack
60-74 (67 avg) Can attack
Ground, Structure, Debris, Item, Ward Range
12.8 Attack type
Normal Cooldown
2.50 sec. Weapon type
Normal Armor Type
Fortified (Rooted); Heavy (Uprooted) Armor
2 Day Sight
90 Night Sight
60 Movement Speed
40 (While Uprooted) Turn Rate
A Tree of Eternity is a tree of ages who has reached its full maturity. This is the highest level of growth, and the strongest possible bond with the World Tree and the Well of Eternity . At this point the night elf community is at its height, drawing freely from the tree's nearly unlimited power.[1]
These ancients suffered heavy losses during the Third War and returned to the forests to spread their seeds and replenish their numbers undisturbed.[2]
Production [ ]
Units produced [ ]
Upgrades available [ ]
Nature's Blessings
Spells and abilities [ ]
Entangle G old Mine [ ]
Entangles the gold mine, allowing Wisps to enter and mine the gold.
Automatically entangles when rooted.
Allowed Targets
60 sec.
Gold Mine
Entangles the gold mine
E at Tree[ ]
Consume a tree to restore 500 hit points over 30 seconds.
30 sec.
Heals 500 hit points.
Upr oot [ ]
Allows the Ancient to pull itself up out of the ground so that it can move.
Also gives the Ancient Heavy armor.
2.50 sec.
Can move, gets Heavy armor.
R oot[ ]
Burrows the Ancient's roots into the ground, rendering it immobile, but allowing it to build units.
Also gives the Ancient Fortified armor.
2.50 sec.
Can't move, gets Fortified armor.
Upgrades [ ]
N ature's Blessing
Upgrades all Ancients' and Treants' movement speed and armor.
Research Cost
Researched At
Upgrade Time
150 200
Tree of Life/Tree of Ages/Tree of Eternity
Tree of Ages/Tree of Eternity
60 sec.
Armor: 7Movement Speed: 80
Patch changes [ ]
Patch 1.13 (2003-12-16): Eat Tree now heals 500 hit points over 30 seconds, up from 200 hit points over 10 seconds.
Patch 1.10 (2003-07-03): Ancients now attack while rooted.
Patch 1.06 (2003-06-03): Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units.
Patch 1.01 (2002-07-05):
Hit points increased to 2000 from 1800.
Nature's Blessing upgrade is now first available at Tree of Ages instead of Tree of Eternity.
References [ ]
External links [ ]