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NeutralTrial by Demonfire
Start Silgryn
End Silgryn
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Achievement reputation tuskarr [Infused Pit Lord Tusk]
19g 40s
Previous N [45] Citizens' Army
N [45] Learning From the Dead
N [45] We Need Weapons
Next N [45] Insurrection: March on Suramar


Slay Rozzeleth in Meredil.


We are out of time. I have reports that a pitlord has come to Meredil.

I have dispatched a strike force. We cannot let this demon flank our army here, nor can we let him find Shal'Aran. It is time to temper these recruits in a real battle.

Join our forces in Meredil, engage the demon, and help us ensure this new army of ours is not lost in its first conflict.

("Rozzeleth: He seeks to crush the rebellion.")


You will receive: 19g 40s
Achievement reputation tuskarr [Infused Pit Lord Tusk]


No training will ever compare to the teacher that is a real battle.


Well done. Sometimes a single victory is enough to bring an army together. With time, these recruits shall train others, and we can grow our army to many times this size.



Finishing this quest will complete the Crafting War section of Inv nightbornefemale [Insurrection].

Quest accept
Silgryn says: Come, we must stop the pitlord before he discovers Shal'Aran.
Silgryn, Arluelle, and Nightfallen Rebels run off to stop the demon.


  1. N [45] Insurrection: Crafting War (optional}
  2. N [45] Feeding the Rebellion
  3. A [45] Tyrande's Command / H [45] Liadrin's Command
    • Side quest: N [45] Noressa
    • Side chain:
    1. N [45] Mouths to Feed
    2. N [45] Oculeth Ex Machina
    3. N [45] Unbeleyvable
    4. N [45] The Art of Flow
    5. N [45] A Dance With Dragons
  4. B [45] Trolling Them & N [45] Something's Not Quite Right...
  5. B [45] Arming the Rebels
  6. N [45] Citizens' Army & N [45] Learning From the Dead & N [45] We Need Weapons
  7. N [45] Trial by Demonfire

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