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See also: Trial of the Grand Crusader
Trial of the Crusader
Crusader, CC10/25, ToC10/25
Trial of the Crusader loading screen
Location Crusaders' Coliseum, Icecrown
End boss IconSmall Anub'arak Anub'arak
Instance info
Type Raid
Advised level 80
Player limit 10/25
Crusaders' Coliseum
Trial of the Champion (5)
Alliance Alliance
Deathstalker Visceri
Eressea Dawnsinger
Mokra the Skullcrusher
Runok Wildmane

Horde Horde
Ambrose Boltspark
Jacob Alerius
Jaelyne Evensong
Lana Stouthammer
Neutral Neutral
Argent Confessor Paletress
Eadric the Pure
The Black Knight

Trial of the Crusader & Trial of the Grand Crusader (10/25)
Beasts of Northrend
Lord Jaraxxus
Faction Champions
Twin Val'kyr

Trial of the Crusader is an epic 10- and 25-player raid dungeon in the Crusaders' Coliseum with five encounters.


There are a number of boss encounters in the Trial of the Crusader:

Trial of the Crusader bosses

The Trial of the Crusader bosses


10 player[]

Boss Alliance Alliance Type Horde Horde
Beasts of Northrend Inv belt 52 [Icehowl Cinch] (H) DPS cloth belt Inv belt 52 [Icehowl Binding] (H)
Inv boots leather 02 [Acidmaw Boots] (H) Agility leather boots Inv boots leather 03a [Acidmaw Treads] (H)
Inv shoulder 89 [Shoulderpads of the Glacial Wilds] (H) Caster leather shoulders Inv shoulder 109b [Pauldrons of the Glacial Wilds] (H)
Inv bracer 32a [Armbands of the Northern Stalker] (H) Agility mail bracers Inv bracer 38 [Bracers of the Northern Stalker] (H)
Inv shoulder 107 [Shoulderguards of the Spirit Walker] (H) Caster mail shoulders Inv shoulder 67 [Pauldrons of the Spirit Walker] (H)
Inv gauntlets 53 [Gauntlets of Rising Anger] (H) DPS plate gloves Inv gauntlets 62 [Gauntlets of Mounting Anger] (H)
Inv belt 50 [Girdle of the Impaler] (H) DPS plate belt Inv belt 46b [Belt of the Impaler] (H)
Inv belt 49b [Belt of the Frozen Reach] (H) Caster plate belt Inv belt 51 [Girdle of the Frozen Reach] (H)
Inv bracer 32 [Dreadscale Armguards] (H) Tank plate bracers Inv bracer 32b [Dreadscale Bracers] (H)
Inv wand 15 [Rod of Imprisoned Souls] (H) Caster wand Inv wand 31 [Scepter of Imprisoned Souls] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Carnivorous Band] (H) Strength DPS ring Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas [Gormok's Band] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 02 [Collar of Ceaseless Torment] (H) Agility necklace Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 02 [Collar of Unending Torment] (H)
Lord Jaraxxus Inv weapon shortblade 95 [Dirk of the Night Watch] (H) Agility dagger Inv weapon shortblade 93 [Orcish Deathblade] (H)
Inv bracer 37 [Felspark Bindings] (H) DPS cloth bracers Inv bracer 32a [Felspark Bracers] (H)
Inv pants cloth 33 [Leggings of the Demonic Messenger] (H) Spirit cloth leggings Inv pants cloth 06 [Legwraps of the Demonic Messenger] (H)
Inv belt 38a [Belt of the Winter Solstice] (H) Spirit leather belt Inv belt 40b [Belt of the Bloodhoof Emissary] (H)
Inv boots chain 07 [Sentinel Scouting Greaves] (H) Agility mail boots Inv boots chain 07 [Warsong Poacher's Greaves] (H)
Inv boots chain 06 [Boots of Tortured Space] (H) Spirit mail boots Inv boots chain 06 [Sabatons of Tortured Space] (H)
Inv belt 47a [Girdle of the Farseer] (H) Spirit mail belt Inv belt 47a [Darkspear Ritual Binding] (H)
Inv bracer 29a [Armguards of the Nether Lord] (H) DPS plate bracers Inv bracer 26 [Armplates of the Nether Lord] (H)
Inv belt 48a [Girdle of the Nether Champion] (H) Tank plate belt Inv belt 50 [Belt of the Nether Champion] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 61 [Planestalker Signet] (H) Agility ring Inv jewelry ring 61 [Planestalker Band] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Firestorm Ring] (H) Caster DPS ring Inv jewelry ring 57 [Firestorm Band] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 46 [Amulet of Binding Elements] (H) Spirit necklace Inv jewelry necklace 46 [Pendant of Binding Elements] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 41 [Endurance of the Infernal] (H) Tank necklace Inv jewelry necklace 41 [Fortitude of the Infernal] (H)
Faction Champions Inv weapon shortblade 99 [Blade of the Silver Disciple] (H) Caster dagger Inv weapon shortblade 93 [Sunreaver Disciple's Blade] (H)
Inv boots cloth 17 [Sandals of the Silver Magus] (H) DPS cloth boots Inv boots cloth 17 [Sunreaver Magus' Sandals] (H)
Inv gauntlets 77a [Gloves of the Silver Assassin] (H) Agility leather gloves Inv gauntlets 78a [Sunreaver Assassin's Gloves] (H)
Inv helmet 95 [Helm of the Silver Ranger] (H) Agility mail helm Inv helmet 100 [Sunreaver Ranger's Helm] (H)
Inv helmet 25 [Faceplate of the Silver Champion] (H) DPS plate helm Inv helmet 130 [Sunreaver Champion's Faceplate] (H)
Inv shoulder 20 [Pauldrons of the Silver Defender] (H) Tank plate shoulders Inv shoulder 73 [Sunreaver Defender's Pauldrons] (H)
Inv misc rune 11 [Binding Light] (H) Healer necklace Inv misc rune 11 [Binding Stone] (H)
Inv misc horn 04 [Victor's Call] (H) Melee trinket Inv misc horn 04 [Vengeance of the Forsaken] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 27 [Talisman of Volatile Power] (H) Caster DPS trinket Inv jewelry necklace 27 [Fetish of Volatile Power] (H)
Inv jewelry talisman 02 [Fervor of the Frostborn] (H) Tank trinket Inv jewelry talisman 02 [Eitrigg's Oath] (H)
Twin Val'kyr Inv weapon shortblade 95 [Icefall Blade] (H) Agility dagger Inv weapon shortblade 94 [Nemesis Blade] (H)
Inv sword 141 [Reckoning] (H) Agility two-hand sword Inv sword 140 [Edge of Agony] (H)
Inv weapon rifle 35 [The Diplomat] (H) Gun Inv weapon rifle 36 [Widebarrel Flintlock] (H)
Inv staff 98 [Enlightenment] (H) Caster staff Inv staff 102 [Illumination] (H)
Inv gauntlets 79 [Gloves of Looming Shadow] (H) DPS cloth gloves Inv gauntlets 61 [Looming Shadow Wraps] (H)
Inv boots cloth 23 [Boots of the Grieving Soul] (H) Spirit cloth boots Inv boots cloth 23 [Sandals of the Grieving Soul] (H)
Inv chest leather 14 [Armor of Shifting Shadows] (H) Agility leather chest Inv chest leather 18a [Vest of Shifting Shadows] (H)
Inv helmet 139 [Helm of the Snowy Grotto] (H) Spirit leather helm Inv helmet 145b [Helm of the High Mesa] (H)
Inv gauntlets 73 [Gloves of the Azure Prophet] (H) Spirit mail gloves Inv gauntlets 53 [Sen'jin Ritualist Gloves] (H)
Inv boots plate 06 [Sabatons of the Lingering Vortex] (H) Tank plate boots Inv boots plate 09 [Greaves of the Lingering Vortex] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 59 [Loop of the Twin Val'kyr] (H) Tank ring Inv jewelry ring 59 [Band of the Twin Val'kyr] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 46 [Darkbane Pendant] (H) Caster DPS necklace Inv jewelry necklace 46 [Darkbane Amulet] (H)
Inv offhand pvealliance d 01 [Chalice of Benedictus] (H) Caster DPS off-hand Inv offhand stratholme a 02 [Lightbane Focus] (H)
Anub'arak Inv axe 105 [The Lion's Maw] (H) Agility one-hand axe Inv axe 104 [Frostblade Hatchet] (H)
Inv weapon crossbow 34 [Baelgun's Heavy Crossbow] (H) Crossbow Inv weapon crossbow 35 [Darkmaw Crossbow] (H)
Inv mace 105 [The Grinder] (H) Agility one-hand mace Inv mace 101 [Blackhorn Bludgeon] (H)
Inv mace 107 [Argent Resolve] (H) Spirit one-hand mace Inv mace 103 [Mace of the Earthborn Chieftain] (H)
Inv staff 101 [Fordragon Blades] (H) Agility polearm Inv weapon halberd 31 [Anguish] (H)
Inv staff 98 [Cold Convergence] (H) Caster staff Inv staff 102 [Perdition] (H)
Inv sword 145 [Westfall Saber] (H) Agility one-hand sword Inv sword 138 [Forsaken Bonecarver] (H)
Inv sword 145 [Crusader's Glory] (H) Tank one-hand sword Inv sword 137 [Ardent Guard] (H)
Inv shield 69 [Vigilant Ward] (H) Spirit shield Inv shield 70 [Pride of the Kor'kron] (H)
Inv shield 68 [Bulwark of the Royal Guard] (H) Tank shield Inv shield 71 [Aegis of the Coliseum] (H)
Inv chest cloth 75 [Vestments of the Sleepless] (H) DPS cloth chest Inv chest cloth 68 [Robes of the Sleepless] (H)
Inv belt 52 [Cinch of the Undying] (H) Spirit cloth belt Inv belt 52 [Belt of the Eternal] (H)
Inv shoulder 89 [Spaulders of the Snow Bandit] (H) Agility leather shoulders Inv shoulder 109a [Shoulderpads of the Snow Bandit] (H)
Inv shoulder 107 [Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter] (H) Agility mail shoulders Inv shoulder 100 [Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter] (H)
Inv helmet 95 [Helmet of the Crypt Lord] (H) Caster mail helm Inv helmet 100 [Helm of the Crypt Lord] (H)
Inv pants plate 20 [Legplates of the Silver Hand] (H) DPS plate leggings Inv pants plate 30 [Legplates of Redeemed Blood] (Heroic)
Inv pants plate 23 [Legplates of the Immortal Spider] (H) Spirit plate leggings Inv pants plate 30 [Sunwalker Legguards] (H)
Inv chest plate 23 [Chestguard of the Warden] (H) Tank plate chest Inv chest plate 23 [Stoneskin Chestplate] (H)

25 player[]

Boss Alliance Alliance Type Horde Horde
Beasts of Northrend Inv weapon shortblade 95 [Steel Bladebreaker] (H) Agility dagger Inv weapon shortblade 94 [Stygian Bladebreaker] (H)
Inv weapon shortblade 99 [Blade of Tarasque] (H) Caster DPS dagger Inv weapon shortblade 93 [Barb of Tarasque] (H)
Inv shield 68 [Crystal Plated Vanguard] (H) Tank shield Inv shield 71 [Forlorn Barrier] (H)
Inv chest cloth 75 [Flowing Vestments of Ascent] (H) Spirit cloth chest Inv chest cloth 73 [Flowing Robes of Ascent] (H)
Inv belt 52 [Cord of the Tenebrous Mist] (H) Spirit cloth belt Inv belt 52 [Belt of the Tenebrous Mist] (H)
Inv pants leather 28 [Leggings of the Broken Beast] (H) Leather leggings Inv pants leather 30a [Legwraps of the Broken Beast] (H)
Inv boots leather01 [Boots of the Unrelenting Storm] (H) Spirit leather boots Inv boots leather 04b [Boots of the Harsh Winter] (H)
Inv chest mail 07 [Breastplate of Cruel Intent] (H) Agility mail chest Inv chest mail 03 [Cuirass of Cruel Intent] (H)
Inv belt 47a [Belt of the Ice Burrower] (H) Spirit mail belt Inv belt 47a [Binding of the Ice Burrower] (H)
Inv bracer 27b [Boneshatter Armplates] (H) DPS plate bracers Inv bracer 30b [Boneshatter Vambraces] (H)
Inv boots plate 11 [Boots of the Courageous] (H) Caster plate boots Inv boots plate 09 [Sabatons of the Courageous] (H)
Inv chest plate20 [Chestplate of the Towering Monstrosity] (H) Tank plate chest Inv chest plate 23 [Hauberk of the Towering Monstrosity] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Drape of the Untamed Predator] (H) Agility cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Cloak of the Untamed Predator] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Shawl of the Refreshing Winds] (H) Spirit cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Drape of the Refreshing Winds] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 76 [Band of the Violent Temperment] (H) Strength DPS ring Inv jewelry ring 76 [Ring of the Violent Temperament] (H)
Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade] Armor token Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade]
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Trade goods Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb]
Lord Jaraxxus Inv axe 105 [Lionhead Slasher] (H) Agility one-hand axe Inv axe 104 [Blood Fury] (H)
Inv weapon crossbow 34 [Talonstrike] (H) Crossbow Inv weapon crossbow 35 [Death's Head Crossbow] (H)
Inv pants cloth 33 [Leggings of the Soothing Touch] (H) Spirit cloth leggings Inv pants cloth 06 [Pants of the Soothing Touch] (H)
Inv chest leather 14 [Cuirass of Calamitous Fate] (H) Agility leather chest Inv chest leather 18a [Vest of Calamitous Fate] (H)
Inv bracer 30b [Bracers of the Autumn Willow] (H) Spirit leather bracers Inv bracer 36b [Bindings of the Autumn Willow] (H)
Inv bracer 32a [Bracers of Cloudy Omen] (H) Spirit mail bracers Inv bracer 29 [Wristwraps of Cloudy Omen] (H)
Inv belt 49c [Bloodbath Belt] (H) DPS plate belt Inv belt 50 [Bloodbath Girdle] (H)
Inv pants plate 15 [Legplates of Failing Light] (H) Caster plate leggings Inv pants plate 30 [Leggings of Failing Light] (H)
Inv boots plate 06 [Dawnbreaker Greaves] (H) Tank plate boots Inv boots plate 09 [Dawnbreaker Sabatons] (H)
Inv pants plate 20 [Legguards of Feverish Dedication] (H) Tank plate leggings Inv pants plate 30 [Legplates of Feverish Dedication] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Pride of the Eredar] (H) Tank cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Pride of the Demon Lord] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Shawl of the Refreshing Winds] (H) Spirit cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Drape of the Refreshing Winds] (H)
Inv offhand pvealliance d 01 [Symbol of Transgression] (H) Caster DPS off-hand Inv offhand stratholme a 02 [Talisman of Heedless Sins] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 80 [Ring of the Darkmender] (H) Spirit ring Inv jewelry ring 80 [Circle of the Darkmender] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Charge of the Demon Lord] (H) Agility necklace Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Charge of the Eredar] (H)
Achievement dungeon ulduar77 25man [Solace of the Defeated] (H) Spirit trinket Achievement dungeon ulduar77 25man [Solace of the Fallen] (H)
Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade] Armor token Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade]
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Trade goods Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb]
Faction Champions Inv axe 103 [Justicebringer] (H) Strength two-hand axe Inv axe 106 [Dual-Blade Butcher] (H)
Inv shield 69 [Bastion of Purity] (H) Caster shield Inv shield 70 [Bastion of Resolve] (H)
Inv belt 52 [Cord of Biting Cold] (H) DPS cloth belt Inv belt 52 [Belt of Biting Cold] (H)
Inv boots cloth 23 [Boots of the Mourning Widow] (H) spirit cloth boots Inv boots cloth 23 [Sandals of the Mourning Widow] (H)
Inv boots leather 02 [Treads of the Icewalker] (H) Agility leather boots Inv boots leather 04a [Icewalker Treads] (H)
Inv chest leather 12 [Vestments of the Shattered Fellowship] (H) Spirit leather chest Inv chest leather 18b [Robes of the Shattered Fellowship] (H)
Inv bracer 32a [Bracers of the Untold Massacre] (H) Agility mail bracers Inv bracer 38 [Bracers of the Silent Massacre] (H)
Inv pants mail 25 [Legguards of Concealed Hatred] (H) Spirit mail leggings Inv pants mail 28 [Leggings of Concealed Hatred] (H)
Inv boots chain 06 [Boots of Tremoring Earth] (H) Caster mail boots Inv boots chain 06 [Sabatons of Tremoring Earth] (H)
Inv chest plate 24 [Chestplate of the Frostborn Hero] (H) DPS plate chest Inv chest plate 24 [Chestplate of the Frostwolf Hero] (H)
Inv bracer 28b [Vambraces of the Broken Bond] (H) Spirit plate bracers Inv bracer 32 [Bracers of the Broken Bond] (H)
Inv belt 48c [Girdle of Bloodied Scars] (H) Tank plate belt Inv belt 46b [Belt of Bloodied Scars] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Cloak of Displacement] (H) Caster DPS ring Inv misc cape 18 [Shroud of Displacement] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 65 [Ring of Callous Aggression] (H) Agility ring Inv jewelry ring 65 [Band of Callous Aggression] (H)
Inv scarab crystal [Satrina's Impeding Scarab] (H) Tank trinket Inv scarab crystal [Juggernaut's Vitality] (H)
Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade] Armor token Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade]
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Trade goods Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb]
Twin Val'kyr Inv weapon shortblade 95 [Twin Spike] (H) Agility dagger Inv weapon shortblade 94 [Gouge of the Frigid Heart] (H)
Inv staff 100 [Lupine Longstaff] (H) Agility staff Inv staff 97 [Twin's Pact] (H)
Inv bracer 37 [Bindings of Dark Essence] (H) DPS cloth bracers Inv bracer 32a [Dark Essence Bindings] (H)
Inv belt 37c [Belt of the Merciless Killer] (H) Agility leather belt Inv belt 38b [Belt of the Pitiless Killer] (H)
Inv belt 38a [Cord of Pale Thorns] (H) Spirit leather belt Inv belt 46c [Belt of Pale Thorns] (H)
Inv boots chain 07 [Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment] (H) Agility mail boots Inv boots chain 07 [Greaves of Ruthless Judgment] (H)
Inv bracer 31 [Bracers of the Shieldmaiden] (H) Tank plate bracers Inv bracer 32 [Armguards of the Shieldmaiden] (H)
Inv pants plate 28 [Legguards of Ascension] (H) DPS plate leggings Inv pants plate 25 [Legplates of Ascension] (H)
Inv chest plate 22 [Breastplate of the Frozen Lake] (H) Caster plate chest Inv chest plate 23 [Chestplate of the Frozen Lake] (H)
Inv misc bone skull 02 [Death's Verdict] (H) Strength/Agility trinket Inv misc bone skull 02 [Death's Choice] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 44 [The Arbiter's Muse] (H) Tank necklace Inv jewelry necklace 44 [Legionnaire's Gorget] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 33 [The Executioner's Malice] (H) Strength DPS necklace Inv jewelry necklace 33 [The Executioner's Vice] (H)
Inv jewelry necklace 36 [Wail of the Val'kyr] (H) Caster necklace Inv jewelry necklace 36 [Cry of the Val'kyr] (H)
Inv offhand pvealliance d 01 [Chalice of Searing Light] (H) Spirit off-hand Inv offhand stratholme a 02 [Mystifying Charm] (H)
Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade] Armor token Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade]
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Trade goods Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb]
Anub'arak Inv axe 105 [Stormpike Cleaver] (H) Agility one-hand axe Inv axe 104 [Hellscream Slicer] (H)
Inv mace 107 [Misery's End] (H) Caster one-hand mace Inv mace 103 [Suffering's End] (H)
Inv staff 101 [Archon Glaive] (H) Agility polearm Inv weapon halberd 31 [Hellion Glaive] (H)
Inv boots cloth 23 [Footpads of the Icy Floe] (H) DPS cloth boots Inv boots cloth 17 [Boots of the Icy Floe] (H)
Inv pants cloth 33 [Leggings of the Deepening Void] (H) DPS cloth leggings Inv pants cloth 02 [Breeches of the Deepening Void] (H)
Inv gauntlets 79 [Gloves of the Lifeless Touch] (H) Caster cloth bracers Inv gauntlets 56 [Handwraps of the Lifeless Touch] (H)
Inv bracer 37 [Armbands of the Ashen Saint] (H) Spirit cloth bracers Inv bracer 24b [Bindings of the Ashen Saint] (H)
Inv bracer 23b [Bracers of Dark Determination] (H) Agility leather bracers Inv bracer 36a [Armbands of Dark Determination] (H)
Inv pants leather 28 [Legwraps of the Awakening] (H) Caster leather leggings Inv pants leather 30a [Leggings of the Awakening] (H)
Inv pants mail 25 [Legguards of the Lurking Threat] (H) Agility mail leggings Inv pants mail 24 [Leggings of the Lurking Threat] (H)
Inv belt 45a [Belt of Deathly Dominion] (H) Agility mail belt Inv belt 45a [Waistguard of Deathly Dominion] (H)
Inv chest mail 07 [Chestguard of Flowing Elements] (H) Spirit mail helm Inv chest mail 07 [Cuirass of Flowing Elements] (H)
Inv boots plate 01 [Greaves of the 7th Legion] (H) DPS plate boots Inv boots plate 08 [Greaves of the Saronite Citadel] (H)
Inv gauntlets 75 [Gloves of Bitter Reprisal] (H) Caster plate gloves Inv gauntlets 53 [Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal] (H)
Inv belt 49c [Belt of the Forgotten Martyr] (H) Spirit plate belt Inv belt 51 [Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Strength of the Nerub] (H) Strength DPS cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Might of the Nerub] (H)
Inv misc cape 16 [Maiden's Favor] (H) Spirit cloak Inv misc cape 18 [Maiden's Adoration] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Band of Deplorable Violence] (H) Spirit ring Inv jewelry ring 55 [Lurid Manifestation] (H)
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Signet of the Traitor King] (H) Tank ring Inv jewelry ring 57 [Band of the Traitor King] (H)
Inv crown 13 [Reign of the Unliving] (H) Caster DPS ring Inv crown 13 [Reign of the Dead] (H)
Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade] Armor token Inv misc trophy argent [Trophy of the Crusade]
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Trade goods Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb]


10-player mode 25-player mode Objective
Achievement reputation argentchampion [Call of the Crusade (10 player)] Achievement reputation argentchampion [Call of the Crusade (25 player)] Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Crusader.
Inv ammo snowball [Upper Back Pain (10 player)] Inv ammo snowball [Upper Back Pain (25 player)] Defeat Icehowl while at least two (10)/four (25) Snobolds remain alive.
Ability hunter pet worm [Not One, But Two Jormungars (10 player)] Ability hunter pet worm [Not One, But Two Jormungars (25 player)] Defeat Acidmaw and Dreadscale within 10 seconds of each other.
Spell shadow shadowmend [Three Sixty Pain Spike (10 player)] Spell shadow shadowmend [Three Sixty Pain Spike (25 player)] Defeat Lord Jaraxxus while at least two Mistresses of Pain are alive.
Achievement arena 5v5 3 [Resilience Will Fix It (10 player)] Achievement arena 5v5 3 [Resilience Will Fix It (25 player)] (removed) Kill the enemy heroes within 60 seconds of each other.
Achievement boss svalasorrowgrave [Salt and Pepper (10 player)] Achievement boss svalasorrowgrave [Salt and Pepper (25 player)] Defeat the Twin Val'kyr in 3 minutes or less.
Achievement boss anubarak [The Traitor King (10 player)] Achievement boss anubarak [The Traitor King (25 player)] Kill 40 Swarm Scarabs within 30 seconds.


Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Hotfix (2009-09-03): A hotfix has been deployed that will prevent the instance from entering a bugged state where Neutral Barrett Ramsey <Argent Coliseum Master> does not spawn after a soft reset. If you haven't gotten to Anub'arak yet, you'll be fine now.

    For those of you already afflicted with this bug in your saved raid, I'm still working on a method to correct the issue via hotfix for everyone so afflicted.

    In the meantime, our customer service staff has been informed how they can resolve the bug for a raid with a bugged instance.

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): Added.

External links[]
