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Image of Trilliax
Gender Male
Race Nightborne construct (Mechanical)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nighthold
Status Killable

Trilliax is the third boss of the Nighthold.

Adventure Guide[]

Trilliax, once proud servant to the nightborne aristocracy, has been discarded and left to slowly deteriorate among other surplus constructs. While an unwavering will to carry out its tasks remains, the passage of time has splintered this construct's personality matrix. It now unpredictably switches from one mode to the next, ranging from doting caretaker to homicidal sterilizer, craving recognition and validation from a master that no longer exists.


As the fight progresses, the malfunctioning construct swaps between various modes that determine what abilities it uses. During Cleaner mode, eat Toxic Slices. During Maniac mode, avoid Annihilation. While Trilliax is in Caretaker mode, hop onto scrubbers when they malfunction to prevent the raid taking damage from Cleansing Destruction. On Mythic difficulty, Trilliax uses Personality Transference to activate additional constructs. When Trilliax's current mode matches the additional constructs', they activate Dual Personalities.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • During Maniac mode, stand close to your partner when connected by Arcing Bonds.
  • During Caretaker mode, jump on Scrubbers when they channel Cleansing Destruction.
  • During Cleaner mode, stand apart from the raid when affected by Sterilize.
  • Kill the additional constructs activated by Personality Transference.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • During Maniac mode, Mana Rupture pulses damage to the raid.
  • During Cleaner mode, heal players affected by Toxic Slice.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Take turns getting hit with Arcane Slash.
  • During Maniac mode, stand close to your partner when connected by Arcing Bonds.
  • During Caretaker mode, jump on Scrubbers when they channel Cleansing Destruction.
  • Steadily move Trilliax around the room to avoid Arcane Seepage.


The master has returned! We must ensure the household is immaculate.
That's not the master, imbecile! Unless he managed to claw his way out from under two tons of solid stone.
Ooo, that would be impressive... considering I still have his hands in a jar.
Please don't say such things! The master is back, and things need to be kept tidy.
Filthy, filthy, filthy!!!
You're tracking mud everywhere!
Hold still master, for incineration!
Toxic Slice
Have a bite master, I know it's your favorite.
The Maniac
  • Welcome home master, may I take your... HEAD!!!
  • Stop squirming! Makes it hard to stab you!
  • So good to see you master, how may I sever you?
  • Master, is that you?! I barely recognized you with your head attached.
The Caretaker
  • I'm not sure what I've done, but I'm positive I deserve this beating.
  • Well struck sir, right in my pain cluster.
  • Pain is an effective teacher, and I endeavor to learn your lesson, master.
Succulent Feast
You look famished, master. Please have some refreshments.
Tidy Up
Apologies for the mess, master. I shall tidy up immediately.
The Cleaner
  • How dare you track blood across my floor!
  • Can you please die without making such a mess?!
  • Filthy, filthy, filthy!!!
Cleansing Rage
You dare leave crumbs on my floor?! Die!!!
Did you receive satisfactory service?
First Arcanist Thalyssra yells: The palace grounds are just ahead. You'll find them even more heavily defended than the lower levels.


  • Ability socererking arcanewrath Arcane Seepage Important — Bile seeps from the construct as it is struck, creating arcane pools at random locations that inflict 332500 to 367500 Arcane damage every 1 sec.
  • Ability socererking arcanereplication Arcane Slash Tank Alert — Slashes with arcane claws that spilts 1760000 Arcane damage between two targets. Also places a debuff on the current target that increases all damage received by 35% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell warlock demonsoul Personality Transference Important — One of Trilliax's personalities leaps from his body into another construct.
    • Achievement boss xt002deconstructor 01 Energized — The construct gains 5% mana every 1 sec in preparation to unleash its signature attack.
    • Spell mage overpowered Dual Personalities — When matching personalities are active at the same time, the imprint gains 1% mana every 1 sec.
    • The Cleaner Personality Transference
      • Inv misc food 147 cake Toxic Slice — Throws toxic slices of cake at random locations that inflict 285000 to 315000 Nature damage on impact. Eating one of these cakes inflicts 95000 to 105000 Nature damage every 1 sec. for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Ability warrior focusedrage Cleansing Rage — Flies into a rage, using arcane missiles to decimate any food that has been left on the floor. Each one destroyed inflicts 950000 to 1050000 Arcane damage to the raid.
    • The Maniac Personality Transference
      • Spell arcane starfire Mana Rupture — Mana erupts from the construct, inflicting 67160 to 74230 Arcane damage to random targets every 1 sec.
      • Spell arcane arcanetorrent Annihilation — Enemies caught in Annihilation suffer 475000 to 525000 Arcane damage every 0.3 sec.
  • The Cleaner — Trilliax's cleaner personality takes over and wants to scrub the raid into oblivion.
    • Inv misc food 147 cake Toxic Slice — Throws toxic slices of cake at random locations that inflict 285000 to 315000 Nature damage on impact. Eating one of these cakes inflicts 95000 to 105000 Nature damage every 1 sec. for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Inv food feleggsnham Stuffed Heroic Difficulty — The toxic cake swells inside your stomach and you can't eat another bite. Your movement speed is reduced 25% for 1 min.
    • Spell shaman staticshock Sterilize — Trilliax causes random enemies to erupt with violent energy that inflicts 76950 to 85050 Arcane damage every 0.5 sec to allies within 7 yards for 40 sec. This effect will also disrupt nearby scrubbers, draining their energy by 4% every 0.5 sec and increasing their movement speed by 70%. Each scrubber being drained inflicts 95000 to 105000 Arcane damage every 0.5 sec.
    • Ability warrior focusedrage Cleansing Rage — Flies into a rage, using arcane missiles to decimate any food that has been left on the floor. Each one destroyed inflicts 950000 to 1050000 Arcane damage to the raid.
  • The Maniac — Trilliax's maniac personality takes over, increasing the frequency of Arcane Slash.
    • Spell arcane starfire Mana Rupture — Mana erupts from the construct, inflicting 67160 to 74230 Arcane damage to random targets every 1 sec.
    • Ability warlock soullink Arcing Bonds — Trilliax binds targets together, inflicting 17812 to 19688 Arcane damage every 0.3 sec while they are not standing next to each other.
    • Spell arcane arcanetorrent Annihilation Deadly — Enemies caught in Annihilation suffer 475000 to 525000 Arcane damage every 0.3 sec.
  • The Caretaker — Trilliax's caretaker personality takes over and is no longer hostile.
    • Inv pet broom Tidy Up Important Tank Alert — Summons Scrubbers to clean up pools of Arcane Seepage.
      • Scrubber Important — These small arcane scrubbers are nigh indestructible and are used to clear rubbish. They prefer Toxic Slices, which will immediately destroy the scrubber, but if none are around they will clean pools of Arcane Seepage. As it cleans seepage, the scrubber gains energy. If a scrubber reaches max energy, it explodes.
        • Spell sandexplosion Cleansing Destruction Deadly — If the channel completes the Scrubber explodes, inflicting 617500 to 682500 Arcane damage to the raid.
    • Inv misc food 18 Succulent Feast — Throws succulent feasts at random enemies. Eating one of these feasts grants a shield absorbing 3000000 damage for 2 min.


Item Type
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye02 [Construct Personality Sphere] (LFR · H · M) Life Artifact Relic
Ability creature cursed 02 [Foreign Contaminant] (LFR · H · M) Blood Artifact Relic
Inv misc food 155 fish 78blue [Soggy Manascrubber Brush] (LFR · H · M) Arcane Artifact Relic
Inv helm cloth raidmage q 01 [Nighthold Custodian's Hood] (LFR · H · M) Cloth helmet
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02shoulders [Cape of Second Sight] (LFR · H · M) Demon hunter cloak
Inv cape legionraidwarlock d 01 [Cloak of Azj'Aqir] (LFR · H · M) Warlock cloak
Inv cape raidshaman q 01 [Cloak of Bound Elements] (LFR · H · M) Shaman cloak
Inv cape legionraidmonk d 01 [Cloak of Enveloped Dissonance] (LFR · H · M) Monk cloak
Inv cape raidmage q 01 [Cloak of Everburning Knowledge] (LFR · H · M) Mage cloak
Inv cape leather raiddruid q 01 [Cloak of the Astral Warden] (LFR · H · M) Druid cloak
Inv cape leather raidrogue q 01 [Doomblade Shadowwrap] (LFR · H · M) Rogue cloak
Inv cape legionraiddeathknight d 01 [Dreadwyrm Greatcloak] (LFR · H · M) Death knight cloak
Inv cape raidhunter q 01 [Eagletalon Cloak] (LFR · H · M) Hunter cloak
Inv cape raidwarrior q 01 [Greatcloak of the Obsidian Aspect] (LFR · H · M) Warrior cloak
Inv cape plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Greatmantle of the Highlord] (LFR · H · M) Paladin cloak
Inv cape raidpreist q 01 [Purifier's Drape] (LFR · H · M) Priest cloak
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02chest [Tunic of Unwavering Devotion] (LFR · H · M) Leather chest
Inv glove mail raidhunter q 01 [Sterilizer's Insulated Gauntlets] (LFR · H · M) Mail gloves
Inv belt leather raiddruid q 01 [Cake Carrier's Girdle] (LFR · H · M) Leather belt
Inv belt plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Gilded Nightborne Waistplate] (LFR · H · M) Plate belt
Inv pant mail raidhunter q 01 [Pertinacious Legplates] (LFR · H · M) Mail leggings
Inv boot plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Immaculately Polished Boots] (LFR · H · M) Plate boots
Inv boot cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Perpetually Muddy Sandals] (LFR · H · M) Cloth boots
Inv misc enggizmos 16 [Arcanogolem Digit] (LFR · H · M) Agility melee DPS trinket
Inv misc celebrationcake 01 [Perfectly Preserved Cake] (LFR · H · M) Healer trinket



  • Trilliax is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal.
  • Trilliax is said to be a single fragmented construct, but his parts change configuration based on his active personality.


Patch changes[]

External links[]
