The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.3a but remains in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
- Triumphant Runetotem's Battlegear
- 5530 Armor
+623 [+28] Agility
+982 Stamina - Meta Socket
Prismatic Socket x7 - +154 Hit
+444 Critical Strike
+168 Haste
+86 Expertise - Triumphant Runetotem's Battlegear (5 pieces)
- [Runetotem's Handgrips of Triumph]
[Runetotem's Headguard of Triumph]
[Runetotem's Legguards of Triumph]
[Runetotem's Raiments of Triumph]
[Runetotem's Shoulderpads of Triumph] - (2) Set: Decreases the cooldown on your Growl ability by 2 sec, increases the periodic damage done by your Lacerate ability by 5%, and increases the duration of your Rake ability by 3 sec.
(4) Set: Reduces the cooldown on Barkskin by 12 sec and increases the critical strike chance of Rip and Ferocious Bite by 5%. - Combined stats. Numbers in [brackets] indicate socket bonuses
Triumphant Runetotem's Battlegear (heroic) was the upper rank of the Runetotem's Battlegear set, the horde feral druid Tier 9 set. The lower set is Conqueror's Runetotem's Battlegear, the middle set is Triumphant Runetotem's Battlegear.
The Alliance equivalent of this set is Triumphant Malfurion's Battlegear (heroic).
- See also: Malfurion's Garb set or Runetotem's Garb set for the healer (restoration) set.
See also: Malfurion's Regalia set or Runetotem's Regalia set for the caster(balance) set.
The Triumphant Runetotem's Battlegear (heroic) items were sold by Champion Faesrol <Triumphant Armor Vendor> in Icecrown for [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher].
It is no longer available to players.