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Trade archaeology troll artifactfragment
  • Troll Archaeology Fragment
  • Total Maximum: 200

Troll Archaeology Fragments are found using the Inv misc shovel 01 [Survey] ability of the Archaeology skill.

As with all Archaeology Fragments, they are not inventory items but instead tracked on the relevant page of a player's archaeology dialog.

These fragments are found at Troll archaeology sites.

Known Artifacts[]

Troll artifacts (17)
Name Fragments Skill Rarity Value Achievement
Inv misc archaeology trolldrum [Haunted War Drum] 100 + 3 sockets ? Rare
Inv misc archaeology trollgolem [Voodoo Figurine] 100 + 3 socket ? Rare
Trade archaeology zinrokh sword [Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds] 150 + 3 sockets 450 Rare
Trade archaeology trollbatscepter [Atal'ai Scepter] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g Inv qirajidol night [Seven Scepters]
Inv misc silverjadenecklace [Bracelet of Jade and Coins] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 25g
Inv bijou red [Cinnabar Bijou] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Inv sword 95 [Drakkari Sacrificial Knife] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g
Inv zulgurubtrinket [Eerie Smolderthorn Idol] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 02 [Feathered Gold Earring] 34 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Trade archaeology trollbatidol [Fetish of Hir'eek] 30 1 Common 1g
Inv sword 36 [Fine Bloodscalp Dinnerware] 32 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology whitehydrafigurine [Gahz'rilla Figurine] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Inv jewelcrafting jadeserpent [Jade Asp with Ruby Eyes] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Trade archaeology trolllizardfootcharm [Lizard Foot Charm] 32 1 Common 1g
Inv offhand zulaman d 01 [Skull-Shaped Planter] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Trade archaeology trolltooth w goldfilling [Tooth with Gold Filling] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 50g
Trade archaeology troll voodoodoll [Zandalari Voodoo Doll] 27 1 Common 1g

Patches and hotfixes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Archaeology fragments now have a hard cap of 200 per race. Players will not be able to collect additional fragments until they complete artifacts to take them down below 200 fragments. Players with more than 200 fragments will not lose additional fragments in 4.0.6, but in a future patch we may remove any fragments above 200.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]
