Twilight Disciples are located at Master's Glaive in Darkshore prior to the Shattering.
- Heal — Heal your target for 307 to 353.
- Renew — Heals the target for 100 over 15 sec.
- Carnage! May I spill blood in His name!
- Curse you!
- Death comes! Rejoice!
- Embrace the end!
- For our Masters!
- Glory and blood for the Old Gods!
- Intruders! Good, I was getting bored...
- Intruders! Slay them!
- Mommy!
- My death matters little... the Hammer will still fall!
- My life for my masters. Rejoice!
- My lords! I come to thee!
- You will never defeat us!
- Your victory here only speeds your doom!
- Battle! I can smell your fear, <class>!
- Masters, I pledge this <name> to you!
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