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Inv misc basket 03

Twinklestar's Gardening Toolkit belongs to Twinklestar who is found in Tirna Vaal in Ardenweald. She would like to see it returned, but the components are lost in the Garden of Night. The toolkit can be restored by combining the following items:

Materials required:
Inv hammer 15 1x [Gardener's Hammer] Inv misc flute 01 1x [Gardener's Flute]
Inv wand 1h pvpdraenors1 d 01 1x [Gardener's Wand] Inv misc profession book herbalism 1x [Diary of the Night]
Inv misc basket 05 1x [Gardener's Basket]

Returning the toolkit to Twinklestar gives the player Artifactability balancedruid fullmoon Moonsight that reveals the Cache of the Moon behind the faerie. Loot it for Inv ardenwealdpod [Wildseed Cradle].

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