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Image of Tyrgon
Title Expedition Instructor, Professor[1]
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 60-62
Class Priest
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Tyrgon is a draenei located in the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.



Gossip before quests

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

I appreciate having fresh perspectives in the camp. It's inspiring to learn from others--even my youngest students. Their minds are so inquisitive and new.

But as their instructor, it's hard to find time to explore the Preserve myself. I have projects to review and lessons to prepare...

That being said, I don't mind if my exploration is through the eyes of others. I'm an explorer nonetheless.

Gossip Why are there so many kids here?
The children? Why, they're the children of our Dragonscale expeditioners.
Many wouldn't dream of setting off on a long expedition and not taking their children. And the Dragonscale Expedition is dedicated to an equitable "explore/ life" balance.
Refreshing, really. And it's good for the children too. They are part of the first class of our "Kickoff Initiative for Dragonscale Scholars:" junior explorers made up of Dragonscale Expedition children... only those who show interest, of course.
Gossip Are they learning a lot?
Er, well...
That is a matter of interpretation.
Gossip after N [60-62] Secret Research

I'm going to speak softly so as not to alarm the children...

This proto-whelp is gravely injured, and its injuries indeed look magical in nature... which is very, very concerning.

Gossip after N [60-62] Theory in Practice

If one thing, the K.I.D.S. should be guaranteeing that the younglings know we're here to observe--not destroy. If the stars allow, they will grow wiser than their ancestors--and lead the Dragonscale Expedition into the future!

Now, if you excuse me, I must resume my lessons.



Patch changes[]


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