The API is no longer being updated here until further notice.
inherits Animation
, can only be created via XML.
- TextureCoordTranslation:GetOffset() : offsetU, offsetV
- TextureCoordTranslation:SetOffset(offsetU, offsetV)
- Animation:GetDuration() : durationSec
- Animation:GetElapsed() : elapsedSec
- Animation:GetEndDelay() : delaySec
- Animation:GetOrder() : order
- Animation:GetProgress() : progress
- Animation:GetRegionParent() : region
- Animation:GetScript(scriptTypeName [, bindingType]) : script
- Animation:GetSmoothProgress() : progress
- Animation:GetSmoothing() : weights
- Animation:GetStartDelay() : delaySec
- Animation:GetTarget() : target
- Animation:HasScript(scriptName) : hasScript
- Animation:HookScript(scriptTypeName, script [, bindingType])
- Animation:IsDelaying() : isDelaying
- Animation:IsDone() : isDone
- Animation:IsPaused() : isPaused
- Animation:IsPlaying() : isPlaying
- Animation:IsStopped() : isStopped
- Animation:Pause()
- Animation:Play()
- Animation:Restart()
- Animation:SetChildKey(childKey) : success
- Animation:SetDuration(durationSec [, recomputeGroupDuration])
- Animation:SetEndDelay(delaySec [, recomputeGroupDuration])
- Animation:SetOrder(newOrder)
- Animation:SetParent(parent [, order])
- Animation:SetPlaying(play)
- Animation:SetScript(scriptTypeName [, script])
- Animation:SetSmoothProgress(durationSec)
- Animation:SetSmoothing(weights)
- Animation:SetStartDelay(delaySec [, recomputeGroupDuration])
- Animation:SetTarget(target) : success
- Animation:SetTargetKey(key) : success
- Animation:SetTargetName(name) : success
- Animation:SetTargetParent() : success
- Animation:Stop()
- Object:GetDebugName([preferParentKey]) : debugName - Returns the object's debug name.
- Object:GetParent() : parent - Returns the parent object.
- Object:GetParentKey() : parentKey - Returns the key on the parent that references this object.
- Object:SetParentKey(parentKey) - Sets a key on the parent to the child object.
- FrameScriptObject:GetName() : name - Returns the object's global name.
- FrameScriptObject:GetObjectType() : objectType - Returns the object's widget type.
- FrameScriptObject:IsForbidden() : isForbidden - Returns true if insecure interaction with the object is forbidden.
- FrameScriptObject:IsObjectType(objectType) : isType - Returns true if the object belongs to a given widget type or its subtypes.
- FrameScriptObject:SetForbidden()
#protected - Sets the object to be forbidden from an insecure execution path.
- OnFinished(self, requested) - Invoked when the animation finishes animating.
- OnPause(self) - Invoked when the animation is paused.
- OnPlay(self) - Invoked when the animation begins to play.
- OnStop(self, requested) - Invoked when the animation is stopped.
- OnLoad(self) - Invoked when the object is created.
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed) - Invoked on every frame.