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For the raid instance of the same name, see Ulduar (instance).
Ulduar City
Type Titan city

The Keepers

  Formerly IconSmall Loken Loken †
IconSmall Tyr Tyr
IconSmall StoneKeeper Archaedas
IconSmall Odyn Odyn
Race(s) IconSmall Vanir MaleIconSmall Vanir Female Titanic watcher
EarthenEarthen Earthen
Mechagnome Mechagnome
Iron dwarf Iron dwarf
Iron vrykul Iron vrykul
IconSmall Constellar Constellar
Affiliation(s) Titan-forged, Titans
  Formerly Iron army (Old Gods' forces)
Location Northern Storm Peaks[42.2, 24.8]VZ-Storm PeaksBlip
Status Active
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)
Halls of Stone (5)

Maiden of Grief
Tribunal of Ages
Sjonnir The Ironshaper

Halls of Lightning (5)

General Bjarngrim

Ulduar (10/25)

Flame Leviathan
Ignis the Furnace Master
XT-002 Deconstructor
The Assembly of Iron
General Vezax
Algalon the Observer (summoned)

Ulduar (pronounced /'əlduːɑr/)[1] is the biggest titan-forged complex on Azeroth. Perfectly preserved in the snows of the Storm Peaks, it was once thought to house fabled treasures and relics along with its great engines of creation, in reality, it was conceived first and foremost as a prison for the Old God Yogg-Saron. It notably encompasses the Halls of Stone, the Temple of Wisdom, the Halls of Lightning, and the prison of the Old God Yogg-Saron.[2]

The Halls of Valor were a section of Ulduar until Helya ripped, and stationed them in the misty heavens above Azeroth.[3]

Official Blizzard description[]

Ulduar in-game

Ulduar as seen in World of Warcraft.

For millennia, Ulduar has remained undisturbed by mortals, far away from their concerns and their struggles. Yet since its recent discovery, many have wondered what the structure's original purpose may have been. Some thought it a city, built to herald the glory of its makers; some thought it a vault containing innumerable treasures, perhaps even relics of the mighty Titans themselves. Such speculations were wrong. Beyond Ulduar's gates lies no city, no treasure vault, no final answer to the Titan's mysteries. All that awaits those who dare set foot in Ulduar is a horror even the Titans could not, would not destroy, an evil they merely... contained.

Beneath ancient Ulduar, the Old God of death lies, whispering.... Tread carefully, or its prison will become your tomb.[4]

Since discovering Ulduar in the Storm Peaks, adventurers had journeyed to the titan city to learn more about its mysterious past. Further exploration revealed that the magnificent complex included a prison, intended to permanently confine the Old God Yogg-Saron. This ancient horror had corrupted its guards, and was breaking through the last of its restraints.

Faced with the peril of Yogg-Saron's imminent freedom, a band of mortals made preparations for a sweeping assault on the city. Overcoming the legions of iron minions and towering defenses at the city's entrance took tremendous strength, but even that great victory may not be enough to overcome the madness that dwells below.[5]


Ancient history[]

After the proto-dragons defeated Galakrond, the keepers saw them worthy to be the protectors of Azeroth and wished to call upon the mighty titans to bless them for that purpose. However, Odyn, Prime Designate and ruler of the keepers, resented this idea. He did not trust the proto-dragons and so he sought to create his own elite army, one of steadfast and valiant stature. He saw the vrykul, children of the titan-forged, to be the most desirable candidate for his army. However, the other keepers did not concur with Odyn's aspirations and attempted to dissuade him from his plan. Odyn was unyielding to their request and continued with his scheme.

Within the halls of Ulduar, Odyn secured one of the sections to be the headquarters for his new army. He summoned the titan-forged sorceress and friend Helya and with her power, she ripped the division of Ulduar and stationed it in the misty heavens above Azeroth. This would be known as the Halls of Valor, home of the mighty Valarjar,[3] and where the greatest warriors of the vrykul are called to serve Odyn as their eternal reward for being the worthiest.[6]

While Ulduar performed well his prison duty for Yogg-Saron, it did it incompletely, as his black blood runs through the whole continent, crystallizing into saronite and corrupting all it touches. His whispers even escaped with the saronite, tempting many to madness, including the keeper Loken.[2]

Wrath of the Lich King[]

Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Spark of Imagination

The Spark of Imagination room.

After thousands of years, Yogg-Saron's chains began to weaken, and the prisoner truly took control of the prison. Under his orders, Loken attacked the city, took its control from the resident earthen, and created iron dwarves and iron vrykul in the Forge of Wills; these new creations drove the remaining earthen and mechagnomes from Ulduar, then went out into Northrend to spread destruction.

This came near the same time as the war against the Lich King. When the keeper Thorim discovered the truth about the death of his wife Sif, killed by his treacherous brother Loken, Thorim brought war to Loken with the aid of adventurers serving the Sons of Hodir. However, it turned out to have been an elaborate ruse perpetrated by Loken to lure him out of Temple of Storms, where proximity to his dark master granted him the power to overcome Thorim's attack. Thorim and his proto-drake, Veranus, were then captured and taken to Ulduar, so he could be driven mad by Yogg-Saron.[7] Later, adventurers of both the Alliance and the Horde, with some help from Brann Bronzebeard, stopped Loken and defeated Yogg-Saron.[2]

Following the defeat of the Lich King, Orik Trueheart spent his time around Ulduar learning about Tyr, as he was the only titan keeper who fought Loken during his betrayal. He also found a vrykul saga describing a powerful shield Tyr crafted for his vrykul champion to carry into battle.[8]

At some point, the small Alliance and Horde camps were replaced with a medium-sized camp named Copperpot Camp, run by human Chester Copperpot and guarded by Copperpot Goons, with a meeting stone located just nearby.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Ulduar was thought to have been cleansed of the corruption that previously infested it, with the earthen and mechagnomes resuming command of the facility under the eyes of their Keepers. The iron vrykul, frost giants, and iron dwarves have also been integrated into Ulduar's defensive systems. During the quest N [10-45] The Diamond King, it is implied that Ulduar was normally meant to have visitors, with Visitor Information Representatives available for inquiries and curators posted to report if an area was not enterable due to repairs or maintenance. Visitors were even asked to fill out a Visitor Satisfaction Survey before they left.

During the Legion's third invasion of Azeroth, a group of demons broke into the facility intending to unearth information that would lead them to the Pillars of Creation.[2] To make matters worse, the whispers of the previously defeated Old God Yogg-Saron were heard once more throughout the halls, and groups of N'raqi returned to Ulduar for an unknown purpose.

The Legion attacked Ulduar a second time to capture Hodir, and were fought off by the forces of the Valarjar.[9]

An unknown entity time-traveled to Ulduar in order to tamper with and artificially age the titan locks holding Yogg-Saron in place, releasing the Old God forty millennia early. Vormu of the bronze dragonflight came too late to stop this modification of the timeline.[10]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At the time of the Fourth War, Ulduar was still undergoing repairs. Brann Bronzebeard and a dwarf adventurer traveled here to recruit Ignis the Furnace Master, who had been revived by the Keepers, in order to help reforge the armor of Madoran Bronzebeard.[11]

Exploring Azeroth[]

WoW-novel-logo-16x62 This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that Ulduar was still being rebuilt since the attack of the Burning Legion. The earthen and mechagnomes have returned, with freed iron dwarves welcomed into their ranks. While Yogg-Saron was indeed defeated, both his corpse still imprisoned and his influence seems contained, his whispers, however, were still heard around Northrend and in the halls of Ulduar.[2]


Halls of Stone loading screen 2

The Halls of Stone.

Maps and subregions[]

Ulduar instance

Halls of Stone

Halls of Lightning

Flight path connections[]

Dungeon denizens[]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Storm Peaks

Ulduar in Lands of Mystery.

Ulduar is located in the Storm Peaks and it is the storm giants' stronghold, however, they did not build it. It starts with the typical "Uld" in the name, and the architecture matches the design of two temples in Northrend and other ruins found elsewhere, so it can be assured Ulduar is a Titan city. This place might be a treasure trove of information on the Titans and their activities, so Brann Bronzebeard planned to send an expedition to inspect it properly. Ulduar is a mysterious subterranean realm of ice and stone.[12]


It is a great place but you would never know it from outside as it is completely hidden. The exterior looks like the other peaks: a jumble of rock and ice cut at angles only nature would have produced. The entrance is well-hidden and heavily guarded by those crystalline golems, but it is possible to sneak inside if you are clever enough.

Inside, Ulduar is a profusion of tunnels, stairs and balconies. For its looks, the entire place was carved out of a massive cave, and many of the levels are natural ledges. It has that feel, as if nature was improved upon rather than replaced or recreated. The surfaces are a strange mix of smooth and unaltered stone and ice, as when a master sculptor works in stone and lets the material's natural texture add depth and beauty. It shows where the dwarves got their skill in stonework, but judging by Ulduar they are still a long way from matching their creators.[12]


Long ago the Titans lived in the Storm Peaks. They created Ulduar as their city, and from there they worked their experiments. The storm giants began here, and perhaps the dwarves and troggs as well. Then the Titans disappeared, leaving the races to survive on their own, so the storm giants decided to remain and claimed Ulduar as their own. There they developed crystalline golems to aid them in their research and to defend them. Over time the giants dwindled in number and grew ever more reclusive.[12]

After a great battle between the black and green dragons ended and Crystalsong Forest was transformed, the storm giants decided to investigate the newly crystallized region. There they discovered that the crystals contained strong magic of their own, and began mining the forest for their own purposes so they created crystalline golems to handle the actual work, and left these creatures to defend the forest and carry crystals back to Ulduar.[13]

The giants themselves are so few in number you can wander the halls of Ulduar without ever meeting one — which is probably for the best, since no one is supposed to gain entrance. From what they say, the giants are a dying race desperately avoiding their fate. They seem to think another race will vanquish them some day, and so they hide here rather than girding for battle. When the Lich King and the Scourge invaded Northrend, the storm giants, who might have been strong enough to stop him, hid away in the Storm Peaks and avoided all contact. They are too frightened to battle the undead, though they do not like them.[12][14]



Fan art


Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Hotfix (2009-04-16): When re-implemented into the game, the trash mobs before XT-002 Deconstructor should be a little easier to defeat.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Hotfix (2009-04-15): The trash mobs before XT-002 Deconstructor have temporarily been disabled. These mobs will return in the future after we have resolve the issue with them being linked.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera 2009-02-10. Re: How to pronounce Ulduar?. Archived from the original on 2009-02-10. Retrieved on 2009-05-24.
  2. ^ a b c d e Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 153
  3. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
  4. ^ Ulduar. Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard. Retrieved on 2009-06-14.
  5. ^ [1]
  6. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 155
  7. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 151
  8. ^ N Paladin [10-45] Seeker of Truth
  9. ^ N Warrior [45] Ulduar's Oath
  10. ^ N [30R] Disturbance Detected: Ulduar
  11. ^ A IconSmall Dwarf MaleIconSmall Dwarf Female [50-70] Recruiting the Furnace Master
  12. ^ a b c d Lands of Mystery, pg. 110
  13. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 97
  14. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 86
  15. ^ B Jewelcrafting [50] Digging Through the Past

External links[]
