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Tracking wildpet Pet Battle System


  • Passive ability: Undead pets return to life immortal for one round when killed, but deal 25% less damage.
  • Takes 150% damage from CritterCritter abilities
  • Takes 67% damage from DragonkinDragonkin abilities
  • Deals 150% damage to HumanoidHumanoid companions
  • Deals 67% damage to AquaticAquatic companions


  • Companions with Can be caged can be traded.
  • Companions with Cannot be caged can't be traded.


Expac Name Trades Drop
8Battle for Azeroth BarnabyIconSmall SkeletalMonkey Barnaby Can be caged Island Expedition
7Legion BlightbreathIconSmall FleshBeast Blightbreath Can be caged Professor Putricide
6Warlords of Draenor Bone SerpentIconSmall SkeletalWindSerpent Bone Serpent Can be caged Inv misc bag 22 [Traveler's Pet Supplies]
7Legion BoneshardIconSmall BoneWraith Boneshard Can be caged Lord Marrowgar
9Shadowlands Burdened SoulIconSmall Soul Burdened Soul Can be caged Secret Treasure
8Battle for Azeroth Captain NibsIconSmall SkeletalMonkey Captain Nibs Can be caged Island Expedition
9Shadowlands CarpalIconSmall HandSkeletal Carpal Can be caged Skeletal Hand Fragments
8Battle for Azeroth Detective RayIconSmall SkeletalGnome Detective Ray Can be caged Conflagros
7Legion Drudge GhoulIconSmall NorthrendGhoul Drudge Ghoul Can be caged The Lich King
9Shadowlands FodderIconSmall Leftover Fodder Can be caged Item maldraxxus paragonchest 02 [War Chest of the Undying Army]
6Warlords of Draenor Fragment of AngerIconSmall Reliquary Fragment of Anger Can be caged Reliquary of the Lost
6Warlords of Draenor Fragment of DesireIconSmall Reliquary3 Fragment of Desire Can be caged Reliquary of the Lost
6Warlords of Draenor Fragment of SufferingIconSmall Reliquary2 Fragment of Suffering Can be caged Reliquary of the Lost
5Mists of Pandaria Fungal AbominationIconSmall FungalMonster Fungal Abomination Can be caged Loatheb
8Battle for Azeroth Ghostly WhelplingIconSmall WhelpRed Ghostly Whelpling Can be caged Island Expedition
5Mists of Pandaria Giant Bone SpiderIconSmall SpiderBone Giant Bone Spider Can be caged Maexxna
9Shadowlands Grappling GauntletIconSmall HandMaw Grappling Gauntlet Can be caged Zone drop from The Maw
6Warlords of Draenor GrotesqueIconSmall Gargoyle Grotesque Can be caged Azgalor
9Shadowlands IrongraspIconSmall HandMaw Irongrasp Can be caged Soulrender Dormazain
9Shadowlands Lil'AbomIconSmall Leftover Lil'Abom Can be caged Lil'Abom Parts
9Shadowlands LucyIconSmall Housecat Lucy Can be caged Dirty Glinting Object
9Shadowlands Maw CrawlerIconSmall HandMaw2 Maw Crawler Can be caged Torghast, Tower of the Damned
9Shadowlands MicromancerIconSmall SkeletalGnome Micromancer Can be caged Item maldraxxus paragonchest 01 [Supplies of the Undying Army]
7Legion Nerubian SwarmerIconSmall NerubianFlyer Nerubian Swarmer Can be caged Anub'arak
9Shadowlands Oonar's ArmIconSmall HandSkeletal Oonar's Arm Can be caged Oonar's Arm
7Legion RattlejawIconSmall BoneGolem Rattlejaw Can be caged Nefarian
7Legion Risen Saber KittenIconSmall SaberCub Risen Saber Kitten Can be caged Darkshade
8Battle for Azeroth Rotting GhoulIconSmall Ghoul Rotting Ghoul Can be caged Island Expedition
7Legion ScrapsIconSmall SkeletalHound Scraps Can be caged Curious Wyrmtongue Cache
9Shadowlands SeversIconSmall HandMaw2 Severs Can be caged Torghast, Tower of the Damned
9Shadowlands SharpclawIconSmall HandMaw2 Sharpclaw Can be caged Sanngror the Torturer
7Legion Soulbroken WhelplingIconSmall WhelpBlue2 Soulbroken Whelpling Can be caged Sindragosa
9Shadowlands SpinebugIconSmall Spine Spinebug Can be caged Spinebug
6Warlords of Draenor StinkrotIconSmall Ghoul Stinkrot Can be caged Anetheron
5Mists of Pandaria Stitched PupIconSmall Plague-dog Stitched Pup Can be caged Gluth
9Shadowlands Torghast LurkerIconSmall MawShade Torghast Lurker Can be caged Torghast, Tower of the Damned
3Wrath-Logo-Small Vampiric BatlingIconSmall Bat Vampiric Batling Can be caged Prince Tenris Mirkblood
8Battle for Azeroth Wayward SpiritIconSmall Tiki Wayward Spirit Can be caged Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
7Legion Wicked SoulIconSmall Wraith Wicked Soul Can be caged The Lich King
8Battle for Azeroth Wicker PupIconSmall WickerBeast Wicker Pup Can be caged Drustvar
9Shadowlands Writhing SpineIconSmall Spine Writhing Spine Can be caged Scunner
6Warlords of Draenor ZomstrokIconSmall Lobstrok Zomstrok Can be caged Darktide Boneshell, Darktide Husk


Expac Name Trades Quest
4Cataclysm Creepy CrateCreepy Crate Creepy CrateCreepy Crate Cannot be caged N [1-70] The Creepy Crate
6Warlords of Draenor Ghastly KidIconSmall Goat Ghastly Kid Can be caged N [1-70 Daily] Mastering the Menagerie
5Mists of Pandaria Macabre MarionetteIconSmall Skeleton Macabre Marionette Can be caged N [1-70] The Grateful Dead
6Warlords of Draenor WeebominationIconSmall Abomination Weebomination Can be caged N [1-70 Daily] Mastering the Menagerie


Expac Name Trades Vendor
9Shadowlands BackboneIconSmall Spine Backbone Can be caged Abomination Factory
8Battle for Azeroth Bilefang SkittererIconSmall SpiderBone Bilefang Skitterer Can be caged Nigel Rifthold, Olly
7Legion Bloodbrood WhelplingBloodbrood Whelpling Bloodbrood WhelplingBloodbrood Whelpling Cannot be caged Slimy
8Battle for Azeroth Crypt FiendIconSmall CryptFiend Crypt Fiend Cannot be caged Sean Wilkers
6Warlords of Draenor Cursed BirmanIconSmall Housecat Cursed Birman Can be caged Chub, Dorothy
7Legion Frostbrood WhelplingFrostbrood Whelpling Frostbrood WhelplingFrostbrood Whelpling Cannot be caged Slimy
3Wrath-Logo-Small Ghostly SkullIconSmall FloatingSkull Ghostly Skull Can be caged Darahir
8Battle for Azeroth Gruesome BelcherIconSmall Abomination Gruesome Belcher Cannot be caged Sean Wilkers
8Battle for Azeroth Leper RatIconSmall Rat Leper Rat Cannot be caged Micro Zoox
9Shadowlands Mu'dudIconSmall Leftover Mu'dud Can be caged Abomination Factory
7Legion NaxxyNaxxy NaxxyNaxxy Can be caged Woim, Pippi
9Shadowlands Putrid GeistIconSmall Geist Putrid Geist Can be caged Crusader Adevald Ironbeard
3Wrath-Logo-Small Sen'jin FetishIconSmall Tiki Sen'jin Fetish Can be caged Samamba
8Battle for Azeroth SmoochumsIconSmall PudgeCat Smoochums Can be caged Nigel Rifthold
6Warlords of Draenor Son of SetheIconSmall WindSerpent Son of Sethe Can be caged Ravenspeaker Skeega, Gazrix Gearlock
9Shadowlands ToenailIconSmall Leftover Toenail Can be caged Nalcorn Talsen
7Legion Vilebrood WhelplingVilebrood Whelpling Vilebrood WhelplingVilebrood Whelpling Cannot be caged Slimy
6Warlords of Draenor Widget the DepartedIconSmall Housecat Widget the Departed Can be caged Chub, Dorothy
8Battle for Azeroth ZiggyIconSmall NerubianFlyer Ziggy Can be caged Sean Wilkers


Expac Name Trades Profession
4Cataclysm Crawling ClawIconSmall Hand Crawling Claw Cannot be caged Cataclysm archaeology
4Cataclysm Fossilized HatchlingIconSmall SkeletalRaptor Fossilized Hatchling Cannot be caged Cataclysm archaeology
6Warlords of Draenor Frostwolf GhostpupIconSmall WolfPup Frostwolf Ghostpup Can be caged Warlords of Draenor archaeology
8Battle for Azeroth Restored RevenantIconSmall WickerBeast Restored Revenant Can be caged Battle for Azeroth archaeology
4Cataclysm Voodoo FigurineIconSmall DrakkariGolem Voodoo Figurine Can be caged Cataclysm archaeology

Pet Battle[]

Expac Name Trades Zone
5Mists of Pandaria Blighted SquirrelIconSmall Squirrel Blighted Squirrel Cannot be caged Silverpine Forest
5Mists of Pandaria BlighthawkIconSmall UndeadEagle Blighthawk Cannot be caged Western Plaguelands
9Shadowlands Clinging RemainsIconSmall HandSkeletal Clinging Remains Cannot be caged The Maw
9Shadowlands ClutchIconSmall HandSkeletal Clutch Cannot be caged Maldraxxus
6Warlords of Draenor Ghastly RatIconSmall Rat Ghastly Rat Cannot be caged Frostwall, Lunarfall
6Warlords of Draenor Ghost MaggotIconSmall OutlandLarva Ghost Maggot Cannot be caged Frostwall, Lunarfall
9Shadowlands Grip of TerrorIconSmall HandMaw Grip of Terror Cannot be caged The Maw
5Mists of Pandaria Infected FawnIconSmall Deer Infected Fawn Cannot be caged Bloodmyst Isle, Eastern Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest
5Mists of Pandaria Infected SquirrelIconSmall Squirrel Infected Squirrel Cannot be caged Bloodmyst Isle, Eastern Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest
5Mists of Pandaria Infested Bear CubIconSmall BabyBear Infested Bear Cub Cannot be caged Hillsbrad Foothills
9Shadowlands Lost LimbIconSmall HandMaw2 Lost Limb Cannot be caged The Maw
5Mists of Pandaria Lost of LordaeronIconSmall Wraith Lost of Lordaeron Cannot be caged Tirisfal Glades
9Shadowlands Lost SoulIconSmall Soul Lost Soul Cannot be caged Revendreth
5Mists of Pandaria Restless ShadelingIconSmall Shade Restless Shadeling Cannot be caged Deadwind Pass (Time: Early Morning)
8Battle for Azeroth Returned HatchlingIconSmall SkeletalRaptor Returned Hatchling Cannot be caged Nazmir
5Mists of Pandaria Scourged WhelplingIconSmall WhelpPlague Scourged Whelpling Cannot be caged Icecrown
8Battle for Azeroth Spectral RavenIconSmall GilneanRaven Spectral Raven Cannot be caged Nazmir
6Warlords of Draenor Spectral SpinnerIconSmall SpiderBone Spectral Spinner Cannot be caged Frostwall, Lunarfall
5Mists of Pandaria Spirit CrabIconSmall Crab Spirit Crab Cannot be caged Ghostlands
7Legion Tiny ApparitionIconSmall Wraith Tiny Apparition Cannot be caged Stormheim
5Mists of Pandaria Unborn Val'kyrIconSmall Val'kyr Unborn Val'kyr Cannot be caged Northrend


Expac Name Trades Achievement
8Battle for Azeroth BurnoutIconSmall ZombieBurnt Burnout Cannot be caged Inv letter 04 [Malowned]
8Battle for Azeroth MiimiiMiimii MiimiiMiimii Cannot be caged Inv mummypet [How to Keep a Mummy]
8Battle for Azeroth MinimancerIconSmall SkeletalGnome Minimancer Cannot be caged Ability deathknight reanimation [Pet Battle Challenge: Stratholme]
5Mists of Pandaria Mr. BigglesworthIconSmall Housecat Mr. Bigglesworth Cannot be caged Achievement boss ragnaros [Raiding with Leashes]


Expac Name Trades Promotion
4Cataclysm Fetish ShamanFetish Shaman Fetish ShamanFetish Shaman Cannot be caged Diablo III Collector's Edition
3Wrath-Logo-Small FrostyIconSmall WhelpUndead Frosty Cannot be caged Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition
6Warlords of Draenor GravesGraves GravesGraves Cannot be caged Heroes of the Storm


Expac Name Trades TCG set
4Cataclysm Eye of the LegionIconSmall LesserEye Eye of the Legion Can be caged War of the Ancients
3Wrath-Logo-Small Landro's LichlingIconSmall BabyLich Landro's Lichling Can be caged Worldbreaker Shop[]

Expac Name Trades
3Wrath-Logo-Small Lil' K.T.IconSmall BabyLich Lil' K.T. Cannot be caged

Patch changes[]

  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): During its invulnerability round, the active Undead pet will now do -25% damage.