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NeutralUnder Lock and Key
Start Ayasanth [37.4, 46.7]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip
End Ayasanth [37.4, 46.7]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 9,050
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60-62] Punching Up & N [60-62] A Cultist's Misgivings
Next N [60-62] The Shadow of His Wings


Acquire the Worldbreaker Cell Key and free Ayasanth.


When we heard rumors of a Deathwing cult, Majordomo Selistra ordered me to bring these erstwhile scaleborn back into the fold. We'd hoped it was a simple misunderstanding.

Clearly, we were wrong.

Their leader must be dealt with--but first I need out of this cage. Find the key and bring it to me.


You will receive:


I must admit: this cage has gotten rather tiresome.


I may have suffered imprisonment--but the Worldbreakers barely spit an ember next to the Twilight's Hammer. I should be grateful for that at least.


Upon accept
Ayasanth says: One of the guards has a key to this cell. Find them! Be swift!
Ingot says: I'll keep watch here!

Key-bearers are specifically Worldbreaker Guards, not the other units in the area.

Returning to Ayasanth with the key
Ayasanth says: Good--you have the key. Now open this cage before my legs cramp.
Cage unlocked
Ayasanth steps out of the cage.
Ayasanth says: Finally. We must move quickly.
Ingot says: But... you're hurt! We need to get you somewhere safe.
Ayasanth says: Not before we put an end to this farce.


  1. Complete both:
    1. N [60-62] A Cultist's Misgivings
    2. N [60-62] Under Lock and Key
  2. N [60-62] The Shadow of His Wings

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