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For the unrelated TCG card, see Unleash the Beasts (Reign of Fire).
HordeUnleash the Beasts
Start Kiro
End Kiro
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 20,560 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Voldunai
Rewards Inv misc steelweaponchain [Cracked Crawg Shackles]
38g 80s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Light Up the Gulch
Next H [30-60] Free Ride


Crawg Tamer Traskniss

Crawg Tamer Traskniss
Kill Crawg Tamer Traskniss to unleash a horde of crawgs!

Kill Tamer Traskniss to release the crawgs.


The Faithless are arrogant hoarders, capturing people and beasts that can never be truly tamed. All to fuel their endless lust for war.

I've even seen their slavers dragging blood trolls and other dark monsters from the swamps of Nazmir.

I heard terrible noises coming out of a cave while I was scouting the feeding pits up ahead.

Whatever monsters they are hiding in there, find a way to free them and let them exact revenge on the Faithless.


You will receive one of the following rewards:
Inv misc steelweaponchain [Cracked Crawg Shackles]

You will also receive:


Crawgs are nasty beasts. Don't get too close.


Crawgs are violent, filty things... Yet another reason to avoid Nazmir.


Pick up H [30-60] Untame Slaughter before heading into the pits. Traskniss is found inside a cave (that is oddly labeled as part of the Serpent's Maw subzone) at [55.4, 30.8]VZ-Vol'dunBlip along with a large pack of Suppressed Crawgs. Upon killing Traskniss, the crawgs become Released Crawgs and stampede out of the cave and away from the Feeding Pits, killing any Faithless that happen to be in their way.


  1. H [30-60] The Missing Key
  2. H [30-60] Infiltrating the Empire
  3. H [30-60] Allies in Anarchy
  4. H [30-60] Make Them Fear Us & H [30-60] Ready to Riot
  5. H [30-60] Crater Conquered
    1. Side chain: H [30-60] Light Up the Gulch
    2. H [30-60] Unleash the Beasts & H [30-60] Untame Slaughter
    3. H [30-60] Free Ride
  6. H [30-60] Diplomacy and Dominance & H [30-60] Don't Drop It... Yet
  7. H [30-60] Vengeance From Above
  8. H [30-60] Infuriating the Emperor & H [30-60] Relics of Sethraliss
  9. H [30-60] The Fall of Emperor Korthek

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