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NeutralUnyielding Fists: Trial of Stone
Unyielding Fists 3
The setup
Start Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
End Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 161000
Rewards Item level 419 chestpieces
20g 40s
Previous N [15-35] A Taste For Eggs
Next N [15-35] Training and Discipline


Unyielding Fists- Trial of Stone

The objective

Unyielding Fists finale

The end result

Speak with Master Bruised Paw, then successfully strike the Stack of Stone Blocks 5 times.

  • Strike the Stack of Stone Blocks × 5


You have accomplished much in the short time you have been here, <name>. I would not normally offer this test so soon... but I feel that you're ready.

It is time you attempted the Trial of Stone.


Item level 419 chestpieces
Inv chest cloth panda b 02 blue [Silkmasters' Satin Robe] Inv chest leather panda b 02 crimson [Sunsoaked Breastplate]
Inv chest mail panda b 02red [Huangtze Scale Armor] Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Paoquan Burnished Chestguard]
Inv chest cloth panda b 02 blue [Gilded Fan Silk Robe] Inv chest leather panda b 02 crimson [Plainshawk Tunic]
Inv chest mail panda b 02red [Wild Plains Chestguard] Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Thunderfoot Heavy Chestpiece]
Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Sunsong Armored Chestpiece]

You will also receive: 20g 40s


This test will be trying. You will test your strength of your fists against the strength of stone. Steel yourself, <name>.

Not literally, of course.

Unless you normally wear steel gloves... in which case, you may literally steel yourself.


<Master Bruised Paw bows before you.>

Stone quivers and breaks beneath your fists. You have the power to move mountains, if you so desire.

There is nothing more I can teach you.


  • 161000 XP


Speak with him again:

Are you here for more training, <name>?
Gossip I've done all that you've asked of me. I'm ready for the trail of stone.
This test is simple. All you need to do is strike the stone, until it breaks.
"But that's impossible!", you might say.
You would be wrong. With clarity and focus, nothing is impossible.
Strike the stack of stone when the meter is full!

Good strike:

I could not have done better myself.

Bad strike:

  • Mind over matter, <name>.
  • Clear your mind, <name>.
  • Do not let the stone intimidate you. It is stone, you are <race>.


  1. N [15-35] Lin Tenderpaw
  2. N [15-35] Stemming the Swarm & N [15-35] Evacuation Orders
  3. N [15-35] The Hidden Master
  4. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Bamboo
  5. N [15-35] They Will Be Mist & N [15-35] Fog Wards & N [15-35] Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation
  6. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Wood
  7. N [15-35] A Taste For Eggs
  8. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Stone
  9. N [15-35] Training and Discipline

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