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NeutralUnyielding Fists: Trial of Wood
Unyielding Fists 2
The setup
Start Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
End Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] They Will Be Mist, N [15-35] Fog Wards, N [15-35] Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation
Next N [15-35] A Taste For Eggs


Unyielding Fists- Trial of Wood

The objective

Speak with Master Bruised Paw, then successfully strike the Stack of Wooden Blocks 4 times.

  • Strike the Stack of Wooden Boards × 4


You have progressed in your training, I think. Come with me, and we will attempt the Trial of Wood.


You will receive: 10g 20s


I'm prepared, <name>. Are you?


You have the gift of focus, <name>. Not many of my students make it this far.

<Master Bruised Paw glances over at Lin.>


  • 129000 XP


Speak with him again:

How can I serve, <name>?
Gossip My fists are ready. Bring on the trial of wood.
Master Bruised Paw says: This test is simple. All you need to do is strike the wood, until it breaks.
"But it's too hard!", you might say.
But it is not too hard. You are ready for this, <name>.
Strike the stack of wood when the meter is full!

Same thing as last time.

Good strike:

  • Well done
  • {{text|say|You learn quickly.
  • Excellent focus, <name>.

Bad strike:

  • Your fists are strong, but your mind is still weak.
  • Try again.
  • Clear your mind, <name>.


  1. N [15-35] Lin Tenderpaw
  2. N [15-35] Stemming the Swarm & N [15-35] Evacuation Orders
  3. N [15-35] The Hidden Master
  4. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Bamboo
  5. N [15-35] They Will Be Mist & N [15-35] Fog Wards & N [15-35] Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation
  6. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Wood
  7. N [15-35] A Taste For Eggs
  8. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Stone
  9. N [15-35] Training and Discipline

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