Updraft Level 14 hunter pet ability 40 yd range Instant Your pet beats its powerful wings, slowing the fall speed of both itself and the hunter for 30 sec. Usable by Class
Hunter Pet
Feathermane , Pterrordax Properties School
Nature Cooldown
None/Global Cooldown Related buff
Updraft is a pet ability available to the feathermane and pterrordax families of hunter pets , reducing player and pet fall speed for 30 seconds.
It is one of the few truly utilitarian pet abilities that are useful in and out of combat, much like the water strider family's [ Surface Trot] ability.
Feathermane abilities
Pterrordax abilities
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Basic Specialization
Anti-magic Dispels Dodge Mortal Wounds Shields Slows Triggered Defensive
Bonus Exotic