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General guides

Macros Beginners Guide
Making a macro
Macro conditionals
Macro commands

Useful macros by class

Useful macros for death knights Useful macros for demon hunters Useful macros for druids Useful macros for hunters Useful macros for mages Useful macros for monks
Useful macros for paladins Useful macros for priests Useful macros for rogues Useful macros for shamans Useful macros for warlocks Useful macros for warriors

This page is intended to provide patterns that may be useful in constructing your own macros, filling a niche between a reference page for macros (HOWTO: Make a Macro) and a list of generally Useful macros.


/cast [nocombat] Attack
/startattack [combat]

This will act like a normal Attack button, except that it won't toggle autoattack off in combat (hit escape if you need to do that). Best when combined with the INV Misc QuestionMark icon, so it'll display your current weapon.


/use [nomounted,outdoors] Whistle of the Black War Raptor

This will attempt to mount if you are outside and not mounted.


This will dismount you if you are mounted.

/userandom [nomounted,nocombat] <mount 1>, <mount 2>, <mount 3>

This will randomly use one of the mounts listed in the macro if you are not mounted and not in combat, if you are mounted it will dismount you, otherwise it does nothing. This won't work for Paladins and Warlock's Summon Charger/Dreadsteed, but substituting /userandom with /castrandom does work, as follows.

/castrandom [nomounted,nocombat] Summon Charger/Dreadsteed <mount 1>, <mount 2>, <next>

For Paladins and Warlocks. Fortunately, /castrandom works for items as well.

/dismount [mounted]
/stopmacro [mounted]
/castrandom [nomodifier:ctrl] <mount 1>, <mount 2>, etc ...
/castrandom [modifier:ctrl] <flying mount 1>, <flying mount 2>, etc ...

This is like the random mount macros above, but will choose a random flying mount if Ctrl is held down when it is clicked otherwise it will randomly pick a non-flying mount.

Template:Code/Begin /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [nomounted] Reins of the Swift Stormsaber; [stance:4] Travel Form; [combat] Travel Form; Reins of the Swift Stormsaber Template:Code/End As a druid, this will select your currently optimal form of accelerated movement, or cancel whatever form you are currently in.

#showtooltip hearthstone
/use [button:2, nomounted] Hearthstone
/dismount [mounted]
/use [button:1, nomounted, nomodifier:alt] Tawny Windrider
/use [button:1, nomounted, modifier:alt] Red Skeletal Warhorse

This one will make you ride your normal mount on the main land, ride your flying mount in outland, and hearthstone on rightclick. If you alt+click it, it'll summon your normal mount wherever you are. Downside is that is always gives an error message on screen. There is no easy way around this. The icon and tooltip will show your cooldown of your hearthstone. If you put the icon on the Questionmark icon, it'll also show the hearthstone icon.

#showtooltip Snowy Gryphon;
/equip [mounted] Xi'ri's Gift;
/dismount [mounted];
/equip [nomounted] Riding Crop;
/use [nomodifier, nomounted]Snowy Gryphon;
/use [modifier:alt]Palomino Bridle;

This is a very handy macro that will do a plethora of mount-related things. First, if just clicked (or hotkey is used) it will summon your flying mount (change Snowy Gryphon to your particular flying mount type). If its alt-clicked (or alt+hotkey is pressed) it will summon your ground mount (change Palomino Bridle to your particular ground mount type). Also, any time you use it and are not mounted it will first equip your riding crop (can be changed to use Carrot on a Stick if you desire) and then continue to use the selected mount. If you are already mounted it will dismount and equip your original trinket (replace Xi'ri's Gift with whatever trinket you normally have in the top trinket slot). In addition this macro avoids all error messages from appearing on the screen. You can also edit the first line to have it show the tooltip of whichever mount you prefer, or leave it out if you dont want any tooltip displayed. If you select the ? icon when you create this macro it will display the picture for your original trinket, so I would suggest selecting a picture that represents your mount from the possible choices when creating.

/cast [nomounted] <mount>
/cast [mounted] Find Herbs

This macro will assist in turning on your gathering professions when you dismount. This is near-automation of turning on a tracking ability. Note: Miners just replace "Find Herbs" with "Find Minerals". (Suggestion: Hunters may want to try this for tracking purposes also)

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] standard mount; flying mount

If you have no target under your cursor you will use normal mount. Have a target under mouse (your unitframe for instance) and you will fly (for this to work you must have your mount assigned to a key).

Use Bandage

This macro will always use Heavy Netherweave Bandages on yourself, regardless of target.

/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage
  1. If you Click the macro while holding down the ALT key, you will bandage yourself.
  2. If you Click the macro while holding down the CTRL key, you will bandage your pet.
  3. If you Click the macro by it self, you will bandage a friendly target.
/use [modifier:alt,target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use [modifier:ctrl,target=pet] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

This macro will use a Heavy Runecloth Bandage on your target if you can, yourself otherwise. Unless you hold down ALT, in which case you will always bandage yourself.

/use [help,nomodifier:alt] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Blood elf racial abilities

This macro will bind Spell shadow teleport [Arcane Torrent] and Spell arcane manatap [Mana Tap] to one key.

/cast [modifier] Arcane Torrent; Mana Tap

Dual Gathering and Tracking

Simple macro now that changes between Inv misc flower 02 [Find Herbs], Spell nature earthquake [Find Minerals] - bind it to a mouse key and you can change it every few second or so as you run along.

/castsequence [nocombat] find herbs, find minerals

For hunters, warlocks, druids and paladins it is easy to add in the other tracks, or make your own. Simply substitue for one of the finds below, or add on to the end, seperated only by a comma. I have included some examples here.

The [nocombat] check in the macros is so you don't accidentally trigger a global cooldown in combat.

Follow with Emote

Template:Code/Begin/script if ( UnitIsPlayer("target") and ( UnitFactionGroup("target") == UnitFactionGroup("player") ) ) then FollowUnit("target"); SendChatMessage("is following "..UnitName("target").."." , "EMOTE"); end; Template:Code/End

The use of this macro is the equivalent to following a unit, and typing "/me is following %T." It will still say the emote if your out of range.


/equip [noequipped:Fishing Pole, nomodifier:alt] Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole;
/equip [modifier:alt] Mana Wrath;
/equip [modifier:alt] Lamp of Peaceful Radiance;
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole, nomodifier:alt] Fishing;

This macro is handy in that on a regular click (or hotkey press) it will equip your fishing pole (simply change Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole to the name of whichever pole you use), and when pressed again will begin fishing. On an alt-click (or alt+hotkey) it will re-equip your normal weapon(s). If you use a two hand weapon, simply take out the third line and change Mana Wrath to your own main weapon, otherwise if you use two change Mana Wrath and Lamp of Peaceful Radiance to your own particular weapons. This macro also avoids any error messages from popping up. You could also add to this macro to have it swap out a Lucky Fishing Hat or gloves with the fishing enchant as well, if you had them.
