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Inv misc questionmark5
  • Valdrakken Accord Insignia
  • Binds to Blizzard account
  • Use: Grants 50 reputation with the Valdrakken Accord. (2 Sec Cooldown)
  • Requires Level 60

The baseline Valdrakken Accord Insignia that awards 50 reputation drops from many rare-elite targets across the Dragon Isles, as well as weekly quest wrappers like N [70W] Aiding the Accord and can be purchased from Maztha in Valdrakken after emptying her of the rest of her stock with Inv 10 fishing dragonislescoins bronze [Riders of Azeroth Badge] from Kalimdor Cup dragonriding races.

The +250 reputation version comes from Malicia's weekly PvP quests, the +500 version comes from N [60-70] In Need of Many Concentrated Primal Foci and has a slim chance of being found in the Inv legion chest valajar [Valdrakken Treasures] weekly wrapper reward, and the +2500 version is a choice from N [70W] The World Awaits.

Other versions[]

  • 250

    Inv misc questionmark5
    • Valdrakken Accord Insignia
    • Binds to Blizzard account
    • Use: Grants 250 reputation with the Valdrakken Accord. (2 Sec Cooldown)
    • Requires Level 60
  • 500

    Inv misc questionmark5
    • Valdrakken Accord Insignia
    • Binds to Blizzard account
    • Use: Grants 500 reputation with the Valdrakken Accord. (2 Sec Cooldown)
    • Requires Level 60
  • 2500

    Inv misc questionmark5
    • Valdrakken Accord Insignia
    • Binds to Blizzard account
    • Use: Grants 2500 reputation with the Valdrakken Accord. (2 Sec Cooldown)
    • Requires Level 60

Patch changes[]

External links[]
