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AllianceValiance Keep
Valiance Keep
Type Keep
Leader(s) IconSmall Human Male General Arlos
  Formerly IconSmall Bolvar Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[1]
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
High elfHigh elf High elf
Language(s) Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Darnassian, Draenei, Thalassian
Faith(s) Holy Light
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition, Alliance Vanguard, Kingdom of Stormwind, Alliance
Organizations Neutral Kirin Tor
Location Borean Tundra, Northrend[59, 65]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone Bank       Undone Auctions
Trainers Undone Class
Done Profession
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Done Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)
Ss27 Justice

A lighthouse.

Justice Keep shore

Looking from the shore.


Valiance Keep.

Varian Wrynn Statue

Varian Wrynn's statue.

Ss26 Justice

Inside the port.

Valiance Keep is the major Alliance settlement in the Borean Tundra[59, 65]VZ-Borean TundraBlip similar to Warsong Hold for the Horde. It is a fortified town that covers two islands, with a barracks, an inn and a large icebreaker in its harbor, at the center of the town. The Alliance icebreaker, The Kraken, keeps the town connected to Stormwind Harbor; and the sound of its bell as it arrives or departs makes a lonely echo in the tundra's constant wind.[1] Valiance Keep is one of the two primary ports of entry for the Alliance in Northrend (the other being Valgarde in the Howling Fjord, far to the east) and serves as the headquarters for the Valiance Expedition — the main armies of the Alliance in Northrend sent by King Varian Wrynn. The Farshire Lighthouse stands on a promontory nearby, warning ships off the treacherous rocks and little icebergs that choke the harbor.

While King Varian Wrynn remained in Stormwind City, Valiance Keep and the forces on the front lines started out under the command of Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, who left to command the siege at Angrathar the Wrathgate, while General Arlos replaced him at the head of the town.[1]


During the war against the Lich King, the keep was besieged from without and within by the forces of the Lich King. While the walls were still being built, Scourge nerubians came pouring out of the ground. No one knew that the Borean Tundra was lousy with spider tunnels. They finished the walls while taking regular bombardments from nerubian flamespitters. From within, the Cult of the Damned had a foothold in Valiance thanks to Counselor Talbot, in reality the San'layn Prince Valanar under illusion, who used General Arlos as his puppet to kept the cultist activities under cover and sent good men off to die on suicide missions. He also undermined the Alliance command structure and unleashed the plague upon the town of Farshire, which provided front-line supplies to the keep.[1]

The only ones who discovered the truth, saving Valiance Keep before it was far too late, were the draenei Harbinger Vurenn, whose investigation led to the discovery and arrest of the infiltrating cultists,[2][3] and the death knight Thassarian who managed to uncover Prince Valanar's manipulations and defeat him, although he almost perished on one of those missions.[4][5]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the town is still active, and that if the kvaldir of the Skadir tribe at Riplash Ruins hadn't been pushed back by adventurers, Valiance Keep would have no doubt been their next target.[1]

Travel connections[]


Neutral Amber Ledge
Alliance Fizzcrank Airstrip
Alliance Stars' Rest
Neutral Unu'pe


Alliance Stormwind Harbor

NPCs of Valiance Keep[]

Quest givers[]

Goods and services[]

Additional characters[]

Notes and trivia[]

  • The deserters caught running off from Valiance Keep by the Horde forces were hold in the pigsty of Warsong Hold.[6]
  • A section of Valiance Keep is given the name Inner Hold in the quest A [10-30] A Deserter, probably the keep proper as it features the prison.
  • This town was originally called "Justice Keep", but Blizzard reconsidered and gave it its current name. Justice Keep was given to the tower built at Crusaders' Pinnacle. Whether there was an existing name conflict, or whether the name was simply appropriated after the renaming, is unknown.
  • Most of the cannons in the keep can be fired, producing a small muzzle flash and a sound effect. They then need a moment to reload before they can be fired again.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
