- Valorous Deathbringer Robe
- Item Level 35
- Binds when picked up
- Cloth
- Chest
- 19 Armor
- +3 Intellect
- +5 Stamina
- +3 Critical Strike
- +4 Haste
Prismatic Socket
Prismatic Socket
- Socket Bonus: +4 Spell Power
- Valorous Deathbringer Garb (1/5 pieces)
[Valorous Deathbringer Hood]
[Valorous Deathbringer Gloves]
[Valorous Deathbringer Shoulderpads]
[Valorous Deathbringer Leggings]
[Valorous Deathbringer Robe]
- (2) Set: Increases the damage done by your Unstable Affliction by 20%, Hand of Gul'dan damage by 20%, and your Immolate by 10%.
(4) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Shadow Bolt, Drain Soul and Incinerate spells by 5%. - Durability 165 / 165
- Classes: Warlock
- Requires Level 30
Valorous Deathbringer Robe is sold by Paldesse <Cloth Armor Merchant> in Dalaran in exchange for
[Chestguard of the Wayward Conqueror].
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.