The vanir are titan-forged watchers fashioned from stone and with command over the powers of the earth. Under the guidance of Khaz'goroth, they were crafted from Azeroth's crust by the Pantheon themselves to be their hands and prosecute their will against the Black Empire.[1] In their battles against the Old Gods, the enormous servants were accompanied by their sister-race - the aesir.[1]
Tribunal of Ages[]
The Tribunal of Ages, an archive created by keeper Loken and filled with adjusted and warped historical events,[2] says that following the imprisonment of the Old Gods, the vanir were appointed as protectors of Azeroth. Vanir, in common nomenclature is "Earth Giants." There was at some point global combat between the aesir and the vanir because of something related to Loken. The device claimed that Loken neutralized all remaining aesir and vanir affecting the termination of the conflict.[3]
In the RPG[]
There are two known types of titan, the stronger, smarter, more agile Aesir, and the tougher but less powerful Vanir.[4] The Vanir are bronze-skinned giants who crafted the mountains and deep places of the world. Their children are the dwarves and cursed troggs who helped them carve out the earth. Like the Aesir, they tend to stay away from mortal creatures.[5] Vanir titans know the location of all stonework (such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky ceilings, natural and artificial tunnels and caves, and the like) within 1 mile. Something that is not stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A Vanir titan always knows his depth underground.[6] They have a connection to the element of Earth.[7]
Sargeras (former)
Notes and trivia[]
- There seems to be a dialect of vanir titan language.[8]
- The Vanir are one of the two pantheons of gods in Norse mythology, the other being the Aesir.
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 31
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 111
- ^ Tribunal of Ages quotes
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 107
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 109
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 110
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 108
- ^ Frankal Stonebridge#Quotes