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NeutralVaunted Vengeance
Start Khaliiq [67.7, 45.6]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Khaliiq [73.4, 44.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 7,100
Rewards Inv helm cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Corpse-Stitcher's Hood]
or Inv helm leather oribosquesting b 01 [Deceitful Agent's Helm]
or Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 helm [Flesh Architect's Coif]
or Inv helm plate oribosquesting b 01 [Cruel Executioner's Helmet]
24g 33s 60c
Previous N [53-60] War is Deception
Next N [53-60] Seek Your Mark


Collect Ritual Drafts from the three Architects.


So you are from my baroness's home world? It must be a special one to breed such powerful individuals.

The necromancers here have already begun preparation for Mor'Bitan's ritual. We should capitalize on their progress.

Three necromancers act as the ritual's architects. Should we acquire their drafts, we could modify them to suit our purposes.

Collect the plans... and feel free to savor your victims' torment.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helm cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Corpse-Stitcher's Hood] Inv helm leather oribosquesting b 01 [Deceitful Agent's Helm]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 helm [Flesh Architect's Coif] Inv helm plate oribosquesting b 01 [Cruel Executioner's Helmet]

You will also receive:

  • 24g 33s 60c
  • 7,100 XP


We are hopeful for your success.


Yes... They will be made to know our pain.


Interact with the three anima crystals to acquire the Inv enchanting wod crystal4 [Fractured Anima Crystal]. Head east into Glutharn's Decay, kill Morbid Ritualists, and use the quest item on their corpses. Jars of Ground Maldracite litter the quest area. Watch out for the Morbid Boneguards! The named quest mobs also count as valid corpses for Tainted Cores.

Find Vashj and Khaliiq to the northeast on the Rotting Mound:

Baroness Vashj says: This area is secure. Do you have what we require?


  1. N [53-60] A Common Peril
  2. N [53-60] Glorious Pursuits and N [53-60] Prey Upon Them
  3. N [53-60] War is Deception
  4. N [53-60] Entangling Web, N [53-60] Tainted Cores, and N [53-60] Vaunted Vengeance
  5. N [53-60] Seek Your Mark
  6. N [53-60] Straight to the Heart
  7. N [53-60] Her Rightful Place

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

So you are the one my sisters whisper of? From our matron's home world? It must be a special one to breed such powerful people.


Yes... We will make our pain theirs.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
