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NeutralVeridis Fallon
Image of Veridis Fallon
Title <Court of Farondis Emissary>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Court of Farondis
Location Crumbled Palace, Azsuna[47, 40]VZ-AzsunaBlip
Status Active

Veridis Fallon is a night elf ghost located in Azsuna. He sells rewards from the Court of Farondis faction.



Veridis Fallon
<Court of Farondis Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Honored Inv rod enchantedadamantite [Enchanted Stone Whistle] 300g Toy
Pattern: Silkweave Pantaloons (Rank 3) 550g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Trade alchemy dpotion b20 [Vainglorious Draught] 150g Quest
Icon treasuremap [Treasure Map: Azsuna] 20g Treasure map
Revered Inv cape plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Cadet's Gaudy Scarf] 1,000g Cloak
Inv relics libramofgrace [Beginner's Guide to Dimensional Rifting] 500g Vanity
Inv recipe 70 scroll1star [Vantus Rune Technique: Skorpyron] 900g Inscription technique
Inv recipe 70 scroll1star [Vantus Rune Technique: Trilliax] 900g Inscription technique
Inv recipe 70 scroll1star [Vantus Rune Technique: High Botanist Tel'arn] 900g Inscription technique
Inv bow 2h crossbow artifactwindrunner d 05 [Syriel Crescentfall's Notes: Ravenguard] 2,000g Artifact
Inv jewelcrafting 70 songcrystal [Boon of the Gemfinder] 150g Shoulder enchant
Inv misc book 18 [Court Scribe] 500g Companion
Exalted Inv pant cloth raidmage q 01 [Once-Fashionable Nar'thalas Leggings] 5,000g Cloth legs
Inv tabard a 91courtfarondis [Court of Farondis Tabard] 300g Tabard
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Hood (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Gloves (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Robe (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Paragon Inv hippogryph2azsuna [Cloudwing Hippogryph] Special Mount


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