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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
Inv valentineschocolate0220
  • Very Berry Cream
  • Use: Restores 4% of your health per second for 24 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain Stamina and Spirit for 15 min.
  • Requires Love is in the Air
  • 1 Charge

Very Berry Cream is a food candy that can be obtained during the Love is in the Air seasonal event.


Randomly found inside a Inv box 02 [Box of Chocolates]. The Box of Chocolates contains six items randomly selected from a list of five; four chocolates, including this one, and an empty wrapper. Odds favor getting a selection of three of the chocolate from any one box, but other combinations are common as well.


You must consume one of each of the four chocolates to complete the Inv valentineschocolate02 [Sweet Tooth] achievement. Since they bind on pickup, you must obtain your own Box(es) of Chocolates. It typically takes two Boxes of Chocolates to complete this achievement, but getting all four chocolates in one box is by no means rare, and it can require several Boxes of Chocolates to get that last one.

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