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AllianceVicious Viziers
Start Magister Serena [69.9, 69.5]VZ-TaladorBlip
End Magister Serena
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14250
Rewards 13g
Previous A [20-40] Dropping In
Next A [20-40] The Final Step
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] Vicious Viziers.


Slay Vizier Vorgorsh, Vizier Zulmork, and Vizier Cromaug.


We can't just skate in, kill Witch Lord Morkurk, and leave.

His three lieutenants - Vorgorsh, Zulmork, and Cromaug - are all fiercely loyal to Morkurk, and are all respectable mages in their own right.

I suspect that if we attempt to engage the Witch Lord immediately that they will rush to his aid and overwhelm us. We need to take out his lieutenants first.


You will receive: 13g


We don't want to have to deal with four ogre magi at once.


Now that they're out of the way, Morkurk is exposed.


  • 14250 XP


Pick up A [20-40] While We're in the Neighborhood and A [20-40] Orbs of Power before heading out.

On accept of all three, Serena joins the party:

Magister Serena says: Let's do this!

Get to killing Gordunni Bashers and Gordunni Cleavers for their Inv jewelry necklace 19 [Gordunni Runebeads], destroying Astral Wards, and taking out the named mobs.

Inside the fortress, keep an eye out for rare hydra Gennadian, which drops the Inv misc rubysanctum2 [Scales of Gennadian] and 20-30x Inv garrison resource [Garrison Resources].

At the southeastern end of the quest area, inside the tower just south of Gennadian's position, find Vizier Vorgorsh:

Vizier Vorgorsh says: You will never take our land!
Magister Serena says: You're an incredible fighter! We've only got Zulmork and Cromaug left now.

Head north across the raised platform to the northeastern tower to find Vizier Zulmork:

Vizier Zulmork says: Help! Guards! Where are they? Fine, I'll kill you myself!
Magister Serena says: That leaves only one. Cromaug.

Head southwest to the last tower to find Vizier Cromaug:

  • Vizier Cromaug says: It will be a pleasure blasting you into the ground!
  • Vizier Cromaug says: This is Gordunni land!
Magister Serena says: Splendid! Glad we won't have to deal with them.

Also, in the fourth tower (the one immediately to the northeast of the Throne of the Witch Lord), find an Iron Box which contains a Inv mace 1h draenorquest b 01 [Gordunni Skullthumper] and roughly 15g.


  1. B [20-40] An Audience With The Archmage
  2. B [20-40] Making Acquaintances
  3. Complete all of:
  4. B [20-40] Next Steps
  5. B [20-40] The Foot of the Fortress
  6. B [20-40] Dropping In
  7. Complete all of:
  8. B [20-40] The Final Step
  9. B [20-40] Due Cause to Celebrate
  10. B [20-40] Joining the Ranks (optional)

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