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AllianceVigil Hill Marine
Image of Vigil Hill Marine
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Proudmoore Admiralty
Occupation Marine
Location Daelin's Gate, Tiragarde Sound
Vigil Hill Marine female


Vigil Hill Marines are humans located at Vigil Hill and Daelin's Gate in Tiragarde Sound.


  • Ability warrior shieldwall Shield Wall — Reduces the Physical and magical damage taken by the caster by 50% for 6 sec.
  • Ability rogue ambush Strike — Strikes at an enemy, inflicting weapon damage plus additional Physical damage.


Objective of[]


  • Stay calm, everyone. Continue up the road to the ferry dock.
  • We're more than capable of holding the hill.
  • You've been taking pot shots at parrots for a while now, sir.
Killing on the Side
  • Horde dogs, you will die like Ashvane's forces!
  • I did not drive out Ashvane's pirates just to have the Horde come here!
  • Kul Tiras is free from Ashvane, now it shall be free of Horde!
  • Mekkatorque's forces will help us destroy you!
  • Our gnomish allies will make quick work of you.
  • Vigil Hill belongs to Kul Tiras!
  • You will die like the rest of your pathetic Horde!
  • You will pay for coming here!

Patch changes[]

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