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Image of Vil'thras
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim (Demon)
Level 60 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Status Killable

Vil'thras is a nathrezim located in Torghast, Tower of the Damned. While he normally appears as a nathrezim, he may sometimes appear as a disguised Mawsworn.


  • Spell shadow carrionswarm Carrion Swarm — Inflicts 60 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the Dreadlord and reduces healing received by 75% for 16 sec.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02 Drain Life — Drains health from nearby enemies over 6 sec., transferring it to the caster.
  • Spell nature insect swarm2 Insect Plague — The caster transforms into a swarm of stinging insects, fixating on a player and reducing all damage taken by 75% for 8 sec. Inflicts 20 Shadow damage to all players within 20 yards every 1 sec.
  • Spell nature insectswarm Insect Plague — The caster transforms into a swarm of stinging insects, fixating on a player and reducing all damage taken by 75% for 8 sec. Inflicts 20 Shadow damage to all players within 20 yards every 1 sec.
  • Spell nature insect swarm2 Insect Swarm — The caster The caster transforms into a swarm of stinging insects, fixating on a player and reducing all damage taken by 75% for 8 sec. Inflicts 20 Shadow damage to all players within 20 yards every 1 sec.

Criteria of[]

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See also[]

  • Vil'thras the Dreadbound

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