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AllianceVol. X Pages ?
Start Thaelin Darkanvil [63.1, 26.2]VZ-TaladorBlip
End Thaelin Darkanvil [63.1, 26.2]VZ-TaladorBlip
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 16150
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 13g 40s
Previous A [20-40] Thaelin's Quick Fix, A [20-40] Decommissioned Mission
Next A [20-40] An Eye for a Spy
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] Vol. X Pages ?.


Find 20 Manual Pages on orcs at Archenon Siegeyard.


That shredder had a manual jammed in the cockpit, but it's missing a lot o' pages. If we can find those manual pages, I'd bet my third toe I can get the prototype shredder working again.

I coulda swore I saw a few of those pages floatin' about in Archenon Siegeyard. Maybe the orcs there carry them.

On accept:

Thaelin Darkanvil says: Only bring back pages that are legible!


You will receive:


Have you found those pages? These manuals are ridiculous.


I wondered why the manual was so big.. they write with really big letters!


Pick up A [20-40] Dreadpiston and A [20-40] Iron Them Out before heading out.

Head northwest of the Mor'gran Logworks to the Archenon Siegeyard and start blowing up Iron Horde Siege Engines. Burning Blademasters, Grom'kar Siegesmiths and Fireblade Invokers all drop Inv inscription papyrus [Iron Shredder Operation Manual Vol. X Page ?]. To the north, in the center of the courtyard, is Dreadpiston. Northeast of Dreadpiston is Ahm, who offers a short side quest: N [20-40] Dying Wish. At the western extent of the quest area (on the rise, not down at sea level) is rare orc Yazheera the Incinerator.


  1. B [20-40] One Step Ahead
  2. B [20-40] Through the Looking Glass
  3. Complete all of:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. B [20-40] An Eye for a Spy
  6. B [20-40] Born to Shred
  7. B [20-40] Engineering Her Demise
  8. B [20-40] Khadgar's Plan
  9. B [20-40] The Battle for Shattrath

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