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Start Chief Engineer Copperclaw
End Chief Engineer Copperclaw
Level 25-30
Type Daily
Category Icecrown
Experience 22050
Rewards 7g 40s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [25-30 Daily] The Solution Solution.


Chief Engineer Copperclaw aboard Orgrim's Hammer wants you to use Copperclaw's Volatile Oil at the Broken Front to attract 3 Frostbrood Skytalons.

To use the oil, you must collect a Pile of Bones, an Inv helmet 22 [Abandoned Helm], and Inv chest plate 25 [Abandoned Armor] from the battlefield there.


Wahooo! It works! Not that I had any doubts in my supernatural ingenuity, only that I wasn't quite sure what kind of explosion to expect - let's just say I'm glad to see that you didn't get your eyebrows singed off. So now I just need to show ol' Korm how ya thaw out one 'a them wyrms. He'll hafta promote me to... to... to whatever comes after Chief Engineer! Here, you take another batch of the stuff and head back out to the front and I'll go get Korm...

Well? Move out!


You will receive: 7g 40s


No good!

Korm kept telling me he was too busy and when I finally got him to come topside and have a look, you had already used the last of the oil. Now he's ticked at me and won't even allow me in his presence again until tomorrow...

Come back then and we'll try again!


The needed parts are on the ground near The Broken Front/Mord'Rethar: The Death Gate.


  1. H [25-30] Good For Something?
  2. H [25-30] Volatility
    • H [25-30 Daily] Volatility
  3. H [80] Amped for Revolt!

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