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AllianceWANTED: Durn the Hungerer
Start Warden Moi'bff Jill
End Warden Moi'bff Jill
Level 15-30
Category Nagrand
Experience 14600 (10g 47s at level 70)
Reputation Kurenai +700
Rewards Choose:
Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Azure Lightblade]
Inv mace 09 [Hungering Bone Cudgel]
Inv sword 20 [Crystalline Kopesh]
11g 10s
Previous B [15-30] WANTED: Giselda the Crone
B [15-30] WANTED: Zorbo the Advisor
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] WANTED: Durn the Hungerer.


Slay Durn the Hungerer. Return to Warden Moi'bff Jill if you manage to complete this task.


You have destroyed two of the biggest threats in Nagrand, <name>. Are you ready to take on the scourge of the Spirit Fields?

Durn the Hungerer lords over the area surrounding Oshu'gun, decimating all in his path. Thus far, none have been able to rid Nagrand of this ferocious gronn. Venture to the Spirit Fields, west of here, and track down Durn. Slay him and I assure you rewards commensurate with the difficulty of the task at hand.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Azure Lightblade] Inv mace 09 [Hungering Bone Cudgel]
Inv sword 20 [Crystalline Kopesh]

You will also receive 11g 10s.


Durn's murderous grip has been loosed! Nagrand has a brighter tomorrow because of you, hero. Well done!

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