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This article is about the Tomb of Sargeras mob. For the Dragonblight mob, see Wailing Soul. For the item, see Spell frost wisp [Wailing Soul].
MobWailing Soul
Image of Wailing Soul
Race Wisp (Undead)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Wailing Halls, Tomb of Sargeras
Status Killable

Wailing Souls are wisps located in the Wailing Halls in the Tomb of Sargeras. They travel in packs of eight.


  • Spell shadow soulleech 2 Soul Detonation — Explodes upon death, inflicting 1244 Shadow damage to all players within 10 yds. The explosion leaves residue on targets struck, reducing movement speed by 25%. This effect stacks.
  • Spell shadow painandsuffering Wail — Releases a mournful wail, inflicting 202 Shadow damage to all enemies within 60 yds. This increases the caster's Shadow damage dealt by 10% and stacks.

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