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The following is a list of and information about followers in Battle for Azeroth. The followers can be accessed via the Missions report button and the Mission Command Table on your War Campaign Ship. Thematically, they are well-known characters.

Like in the Legion version, Battle for Azeroth's followers are divided into champions and troops.


Champions, also referred to as War Champions, are unlocked during your War Campaign questlines, in a total of 6 per faction. Only five can be active at a time. Each champion has a specialization, abilities, and Equipment Slots.

Champions start at level 120 and uncommon quality and gain experience for better quality by gaining experience from missions. Achieving rare, epic, and legendary quality unlocks abilities and equipment slots, respectively.

Unlike Legion, item level cannot be increased.

Specializations and abilities[]

Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Champion equipment is obtained through professions.

Item Source Purpose
Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Monelite Whetstone] Alliance Vindicator Jaelaana / Horde Ransa Greyfeather Increased mission chance
Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Platinum Whetstone] Blacksmithing Increased mission chance
Inv misc horn 05 [Amber Rallying Horn] Leatherworking Increased mission chance
Ability rogue sprint [Storm Silver Spurs] Blacksmithing Reduced mission time
Inv alchemy enchantedvial [Vial of Obfuscation] Alchemy Removal of 'Stealth' mission effect
Inv alchemy potion 01 [Potion of Herb Tracking] Alchemy Chance of profession materials
Inv axe 1h 6dr pickaxe a 01 [Magnetic Mining Pick] Blacksmithing Chance of profession materials
Inv misc enggizmos 20 [Monelite Fish Finder] Engineering Chance of profession materials
Inv rod enchantedeternium [Disenchanting Rod] Enchanting Chance of profession materials
Inv misc fireink [Crimson Ink Well] Inscription Chance of profession materials
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye02 [Kaleidoscopic Lens] Jewelcrafting Chance of profession materials
Inv misc bag 06 [Tempest Hide Pouch] Leatherworking Chance of profession materials
Inv belt 42 [Rough-hooked Tidespray Linen] Tailoring Chance of profession materials
Inv misc enggizmos 14 [Makeshift Azerite Detector] Engineering Chance of Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite]

List of champions[]

Alliance Alliance Class Horde Horde Class
IconSmall Human Male John J. Keeshan Lone Wolf IconSmall Rexxar Rexxar Survival Hunter
IconSmall Falstad Falstad Wildhammer High Thane of Aerie Peak IconSmall Valtrois Arcanist Valtrois Arcanist
IconSmall Umbric Magister Umbric Magister IconSmall JungleTroll Male Shadow Hunter Ty'jin Shadow Hunter
IconSmall Shandris Shandris Feathermoon General of the Sentinel Army IconSmall Voss Lilian Voss Subtlety Rogue
IconSmall Gnome Female Kelsey Steelspark Covert Ops Technician IconSmall Goblin Male Hobart Grapplehammer Engineer
IconSmall Human Female Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth Captain IconSmall Forsaken Female Dread-Admiral Tattersail Captain

Troops and upgrades[]

Troops are additional support followers that can be assigned on missions alongside Champions. They are recruited by placing work orders with recruiters on your War Campaign Ship. The number of maximum troops is 6. What type is obtained is normally chosen randomly. They are important for counters.

Unlike Legion which had the troops divided based on the Class Order, these troops are thematically soldiers of the Alliance and Horde and come from various members of said factions.

After participating in a mission and losing a vitality point, they gain an ability that increases success chance.

Tier 2 of the War Effort Advancements offers upgrade to troops.

Since patch 8.3.0, the following items allow you to choose the type of troops:

List of troops[]


To recruit Alliance troops, speak with Master Mathias Shaw. Each troop costs 25x Inv faction warresources [War Resources].

Workorder I require reinforcements.
Looking for reinforcements? Place the order and I'll arrange the transport for additional Troops from Stormwind.

Alliance troops are classed as Alliance Division.

Troop Vitality Ability
IconSmall Human FemaleIconSmall Human Male 7th Legion Shocktroopers Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Pandaren FemaleIconSmall Pandaren Male Tushui Monks Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall VoidElf FemaleIconSmall VoidElf Male Veiled Riftblades Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Worgen FemaleIconSmall Worgen Male Bloodfang Stalkers Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Ankoan Ankoan Tidehunters Follower heartFollower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Shaman pvp ripplingwaters Waterborne — Increases success chance when on a Deep Sea mission by an additional 30%.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Draenei FemaleIconSmall Draenei Male Exodar Peacekeeper Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Gnome FemaleIconSmall Gnome Male Gnomeregan Mechano-Tanks Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Lightforged FemaleIconSmall Lightforged Male Lightforged Dragoons Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Mechagnome FemaleIconSmall Mechagnome Male Mechagnome Spidercrawlers ? Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall DarkIron FemaleIconSmall DarkIron Male Dark Iron Shadowcasters Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall NightElf FemaleIconSmall NightElf Male Darnassian Sentinels Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Dwarf FemaleIconSmall Dwarf Male Dwarven Riflemen Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall KulTiran FemaleIconSmall KulTiran Male Kul Tiran Marines ? Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%


To recruit Horde troops, speak with Garona Halforcen. Each troop costs 25x Inv faction warresources [War Resources].

Workorder I require reinforcements.
Looking for reinforcements? Place the order and I'll arrange the transport for additional Troops from Orgrimmar.

Horde troops are classed as Horde Division.

Troop Vitality Ability
IconSmall Orc FemaleIconSmall Orc Male Shattered Hand Specialist Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Goblin FemaleIconSmall Goblin Male Goblin Sappers Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Highmountain FemaleIconSmall Highmountain Male Highmountain Warbraves Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Pandaren2 FemaleIconSmall Pandaren2 Male Huojin Monks Follower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Gilgoblin FemaleIconSmall Gilgoblin Male Unshackled Mercenaries Follower heartFollower heartFollower heart Ability parry Melee Troop — Pummels and dismounts Mounted Troops.
Shaman pvp ripplingwaters Waterborne — Increases success chance when on a Deep Sea mission by an additional 30%.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Mag'har FemaleIconSmall Mag'har Male Mag'har Outriders Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Forsaken FemaleIconSmall Forsaken Male Forsaken Dreadguards Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Tauren FemaleIconSmall Tauren Male Tauren Earthshakers Follower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Vulpera FemaleIconSmall Vulpera Male Vulpera Sharpshooters ? Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall JungleTroll FemaleIconSmall JungleTroll Male Darkspear Shaman Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleIconSmall BloodElf Male Silvermoon Sorceress Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Nightborne FemaleIconSmall Nightborne Male Nightborne Warpcasters Follower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Zandalari FemaleIconSmall Zandalari Male Zandalari Wingriders ? Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Inv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%


Since patch 8.3.0, Alliance and Horde can obtain Inv scroll 08 [Troop Requisition: Rajani Sparkcaller] and Inv scroll 08 [Troop Requisition: Ramkahen Lancer] to unlock neutral troops from the Rajani and the Ramkahen.

Troop Vitality Ability
IconSmall Mogu MaleRajani Sparkcallers Follower heartFollower heartFollower heart Ability hunter rapidregeneration Ranged Troop — Decimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Archaeology 5 0 mogucoin Root Out Corruption — Chance to bring back Corrupted Mementos from successful missions.
(based on the faction)
AllianceInv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10% or
HordeInv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%
IconSmall Tol'vir Ramkahen Lancer Follower heartFollower heartFollower heart Ability mount charger Mounted Troop — Closes distances quickly, trampling Ranged Troops.
Archaeology 5 0 mogucoin Root Out Corruption — Chance to bring back Corrupted Mementos from successful missions.
(based on the faction)
AllianceInv cape alliancetoy a 01 Alliance Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10% or
HordeInv cape hordetoy a 01 Horde Veteran — Increases success chance by an additional 10%


  • Your faction may encounter enemy troops (who are randomized) listed above during War Campaign missions.
  • Characters continuing from previous expansions are Rexxar and Lilian Voss.

Removed content[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

The following items were initially planned but never made it to live servers and were replaced by items listed above:

  • Veteran 7th Legion Shocktroopers Contract
  • Veteran Ankoan Tidehunters Contract
  • Veteran Bloodfang Stalkers Contract
  • Veteran Dark Iron Shadowcasters Contract
  • Veteran Darkspear Shaman Contract
  • Veteran Darnassus Sentinel Contract
  • Veteran Dwarven Rifleman Contract
  • Veteran Exodar Peacekeeper Contract
  • Veteran Forsaken Dreadguards Contract
  • Veteran Gnomeregan Mechano-Tanks Contract
  • Veteran Goblin Sappers Contract
  • Veteran Highmountain Warbraves Contract
  • Veteran Huojin Monks Contract
  • Veteran Kul Tiran Marines Contract
  • Veteran Lightforged Dragoons Contract
  • Veteran Mag'har Outriders Contract
  • Veteran Mechagnome Spidercrawlers Contract
  • Veteran Nightborne Warpcaster Contract
  • Veteran Shattered Hand Specialists Contract
  • Veteran Silvermoon Sorceress Contract
  • Veteran Tauren Earthshakers Contract
  • Veteran Tushui Monks Contract
  • Veteran Unshackled Mercenaries Contract
  • Veteran Veiled Riftblades Contract
  • Veteran Vulpera Sharpshooters Contract
  • Veteran Zandalari Wingriders Contract
  • Inv bannerpvp 01 [Recruit Horde Troop]
  • Inv bannerpvp 02 [Recruit Alliance Troop]


See also[]
