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AllianceWar Marches On
Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore
End Halford Wyrmbane
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 4,450
Reputation +2,000 7th Legion
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous A [60] Express Delivery
Next A [60] Changing Course (optional) or A [60] Sensitive Intel


Return to Halford Wyrmbane on the Wind's Redemption.


I hope the Horde will think twice about attacking Kul Tiras in the future, but given the actions of its leadership, it is a faint hope at best. Still, what matters most is my people are safe now.

The fleet and marines should be here soon to help the Outriggers clear out what remains of the Horde forces. Please return to High Commander Wyrmbane and let him know I will join everyone as soon as I am able.

Thank you for your swift actions today, <name>.


You will receive:


A successful operation, indeed. I'm glad we have Lady Jaina back among the members of the Alliance. We've done our best together but the added power of the Kul Tiran fleet, and their new Lord Admiral, may be just what we need to push this campaign forward.

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While not obvious, Plumeria becomes a quest flightpath that takes you directly back to Tradewinds Market.


  1. A [60] The Calm Before
  2. A [60] To Anglepoint
  3. A [60] Stand Fast
  4. A [60] Zero Zeppelins & A [60] Squad Goals & A [60] Repel the Horde! & A [60] Besieged Allies & A [60] Outrigger Outfitters
  5. A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!
  6. A [60] Shots Fired
  7. A [60] Stopping the Sappers
  8. A [60] Express Delivery
  9. A [60] War Marches On

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