This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.
Cheat codes for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
To use a cheat code, press the [enter] key, type in the code, and press enter again. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" should appear. These codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps. These codes are NOT case-sensitive.
Warcraft III cheats | |
WhosYourDaddy | God mode. All units and building gains invulnerability and one-shot opponents. |
ISeeDeadPeople | Reveal full map and disable fog of war. |
SharpAndShiny | Instantly grant all upgrades. |
WarpTen | Speeds up construction of buildings and units. |
WhoIsJohnGalt | Speeds up research time for upgrades. |
Synergy | Disables tech tree requirements. |
KeyserSoze [amount] | Gives you X Gold. |
LeafitToMe [amount] | Gives you X Lumber. |
GreedIsGood [amount] | Gives you X Gold and Lumber. |
PointBreak | Disable Food limit. |
ThereIsNoSpoon | Unlimited Mana. |
TheDudeAbides | Resets all cooldowns. |
IocainePowder | Enables fast acting death/decay of bodies. |
StrengthAndHonor | Disables game over screen after losing objectives in campaign mode. |
ItVexesMe | Disables victory conditions. |
Motherland [race][1] [level][2] | Level jump. |
SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb | Instant defeat. |
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs | Instant victory. |
RiseAndShine | Set time of day to dawn. |
LightsOut | Set time of day to dusk. |
DayLightSavings [time] | If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is alternately halted/resumed. |
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain | Plays Power of the Horde by Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain. |
- As with the cheat codes in the earlier Warcraft games, most of the Warcraft III codes are pop culture references:
- "Warp ten" is a reference to Star Trek, in which faster-than-light travel speeds are measured in warp factors.
- Iocaine powder is a fictional poison from the book and film The Princess Bride.
- Keyser Söze is the crime lord antagonist of the film The Usual Suspects.
- "Greed is good" refers to the signature line of Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street.
- "There is no spoon" is a line from the film The Matrix.
- "Strength and honor" is a Roman motto from the film Gladiator and later became a Horde catchphrase in World of Warcraft.
- "It vexes me" is also a line from Gladiator.
- Motherland is the third solo album by an American alternative rock singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant, released in 2001.
- "Somebody set up us the bomb" and "All your base are belong to us" refer to the internet meme All your base are belong to us from the game Zero Wing.
- "Who is John Galt" is a line from the book Atlas Shrugged.
- "I see dead people" is a line from the film The Sixth Sense.
- "The Dude abides" is a line from the film The Big Lebowski.