Four promising young drakes accompanied Eranikus into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, eager to prove themselves by serving a great and powerful wyrm. One by one, they were captured and tainted by the Emerald Nightmare, and they now wander the halls of the Sunken Temple, lashing out at all who intrude upon their waking dream.
Acid Breath — The Wardens of the Dream breath acid, inflicting Nature damage instantly and additional Nature damage every 3 seconds for 15 sec to all players in front of them.
Wing Flap — The Wardens of the Dream thrash their wings, knocking all players in front of them backwards.
Before awakening the final boss, you'll have to defeat his children, four large green dragons. If not killed, they will join the fight later on. First, take out Dreamscythe and Weaver, pulling them back to a spot away from other dragonkin. Keep these drakes turned away from the group, as they have acid spit that can spread across all five members. Through hallway to the south, the final boss is protected by two more large drakes, Hazzas and Morphaz.