- For other uses, see Westfall Stew (disambiguation).
- Westfall Stew
- Use: Restores 552 health over 24 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
- Requires Level 7
- This nourishing stew has been made many different ways over the years. In lean times, with the people of Westfall under attack by bandits and gnoll raiders, murloc eyes and buzzard meat were commonly used. We wouldn't recommend it.[1]
Westfall Stew is created with Cooking (50); taught by [Recipe: Westfall Stew].
1x [Chunk of Boar Meat] | 1x [Refreshing Spring Water] |
Horde cooks may only get this recipe through the neutral Auction House.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed as quest reward. Stats changed.