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Weyrnrest is a located in northwestern Valdrakken. It serves as a gathering point for many of the dracthyr now found in the city.



Approaching the scalecommanders
Scalecommander Cindrethresh says: Zury! I wondered if I'd recognize you in your visage. But somehow I just... knew it was you.
Scalecommander Azurathel says: I felt the same sensation. Your visage suits you well, my friend.
Scalecommander Cindrethresh says: It does, doesn't it? Ebyssian said to look inside and let the magic within express how I wanted to be seen.
Scalecommander Cindrethresh says: I guess the old dragon was right after all.
Scalecommander Azurathel says: His visage is that of a... tauren, correct? And it seems many dragons take the form of elves. I confess I am still learning the difference between them.
Scalecommander Cindrethresh says: I hear some dragons even choose to look like gnomes, whatever that is.
Scalecommander Azurathel says: Wrathion could not tell me why our visages are so distinctive. Perhaps ours were meant for a different purpose.
Scalecommander Cindrethresh says: All I know is that I like what I see. In myself, and in you.

Patch changes[]
