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Night FaeWhat's My Motivation?
Start Featherlight [40.7, 42.8]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Lady Moonberry [41.1, 44.9]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Rewards Inv ardenwealdstagmount blue [Dreamlight Runestag]
25g 74s
Previous N [60] The Fourth Wall, er, War
Next N [60] For Queen and Grove!


Perform the final acts!


Now for our finale! A thrilling performance of the most recent trials on Azathoth!

<Featherlight checks his notes.>

Azeroth. Whatever. It features an artificial god, a powerful magic ice princess, an infamous queen, and an eldritch abomination of unspeakable terror! Who doesn't love a good drama with a dash of existential horror?

You're back to playing yourself, so just... do whatever heroes are supposed to do!


You will receive:


Well! That was exciting.


A fair enough performance!

I think everyone's more acquainted with your world and the role you've played within it.

Next time, the set design will be a bit more... prepared. But for now...

<Moonberry nods at Ysera.>

I think your friend wishes to have a word. Don't take too long. We still have to hold the final induction ceremony at the Heart of the Forest.


On accept:

Featherlight says: Another war? That's rough, friend.

Head back onstage:

Lady Moonberry says: And so, the Battle for Azeroth had begun!
Awool says: Woo! Yeah! Wait... Which side are we cheering for?
Choofa says: I'm not sure. Does it matter?

On stage this time are Mi'kai, as the Zandalari Captain <Sailing into a Trap>, Glimmerdust, as Jaina <A Magic Ice Princess> on her flying ship, Astra, as Azshara <An Infamous Queen>, Senthii, as M.O.T.H.E.R <A Constructed Researcher> holding Gloober as G'huun <An Artificial God>, and Dreamweaver, as N'Zoth <An Eldrich Abomination>, with some Stage Hands behind him wielding red tentacles.

Stand at the marked location and start the play by using the bonus ability Achievement nazmir boss ghuun Act 6, Begin!:

Senthii runs forward, holding Gloober.
Lady Moonberry says: Deep in the jungles of Nazmir, <name/the Champions of Azeroth> vanquished the Blood God, G'huun!
Choofa says: Er... Do we get "Blood Gods" or do they go elsewhere?
Slanknen says: I do believe everything is going to the Maw, currently.

Interact with Gloober to "slay" him. He hops to the ground, runs circles around Senthii's feet, then runs off to the back of the stage.

Senthii, as M.O.T.H.E.R says: Old God unit G'huun exterm--Gloober, no!
Senthii runs after Gloober.
Lady Moonberry says: With G'huun defeated, the Horde and Alliance returned to fighting each other!
Ysera shakes her head.

Go back to the spotlight and use Achievement boss zuldazar jaina Act 7, Begin!. Glimmerdust flies out over the front of the stage on her ship, and Mi'kai runs up to face her. You're afflicted by Spell frost icestorm Blizzard and Spell frost wisp Chilled, then Spell frost frost Ice Block.

Lady Moonberry says: To bring a swift end to the war, the Alliance invaded Dazar'alor and killed King Rastakhan!
Lady Moonberry says: The Horde's ships pursued the Alliance fleet, but were blockaded by Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore!
Mi'kai, As The Zandalari Captain says: Hey, mon! Horde vessels on de horizon, mon! You have nowhere left to run, ice witch mon!
Glimmerdust, As Jaina says: You really think I've been running, captain?
Glimmerdust, As Jaina says: I lured you into open waters. Because out here, you have no hope of escape!
Glimmerdust, As Jaina says: Muwahahahahaha!
Lady Moonberry says: Glimmerdust, Jaina didn't kill her pursuers.
Glimmerdust, As Jaina yells: Oh, come on! Really?!
Lady Moonberry says: Really. Jaina didn't die, either.
Glimmerdust, As Jaina says: Ugh... fine.
Glimmerdust, As Jaina says: I am defeated. Yay.
Lady Moonberry says: Ahem. Moving along...

The spotlight offers Achievement boss azshara Finale, Begin!:

Lady Moonberry says: Far under the sea, <name/the Champions of Azeroth> fought the imperious Queen Azshara.
Astra, As Azshara yells: Bow before your queen!

There's actual combat for this act. Soak the pink orbs and don't stand in purple, but nuke her as normal.

Astra, As Azshara yells: Stand still! But keep moving!
Astra, As Azshara yells: Run right! But go left!
Astra, As Azshara yells: Bring me more wine! But stay where you are!
Astra, As Azshara yells: I am far too perfect and beautiful to be defeated!

Finish her off:

Astra, As Azshara says: You ill-mannered and unfashionable fools will get what's coming to you...
Lady Moonberry says: The vainglorious queen was dethroned... But it was all part of N'Zoth's nefarious plan!
Lady Moonberry says: Freed from his prison, the Old God sought to remake the world in his insane image!

Dreamweaver and the Stage Hands take the stage. Take out the adds first, then attack N'zoth.

Lady Moonberry says: And thus, the Corruptor was defeated! <Name/The Champions of Azeroth> had prevailed once more!

Return to the light and use Spell holy divinepurpose Awaiting the Queen's Judgement.

The audience turn as one to face the Winter Queen.
The Winter Queen rises from her seat.
The fae await her judgment with breathless anticipation...
Winter Queen says: An excellent performance.
Audience Member says: WOOOOO!
Audience Member says: YAY! YAAAAAAAY! <Name>!
Audience Member says: YAY!
Audience Member says: <Name>! <Name>! <Name>!
Choofa says: That was fun!
Droman Aliothe says: I liked the part where they beat the Legion.
Awool says: I'm still not clear on how that Sargeras guy got a sword that big.
Slanknen says: I'm still unclear how their world could possibly still exist with a sword in it.
Choofa says: Well I once met someone whose world was a ring, so is it that weird?
Slanknen says: ...Really.
Choofa says: Yeah! Usually appears as a big cat thing... If they're still here. I haven't seen anyone from that grove in awhile.
Choofa says: But that's okay. <Name> will help us get Ardenweald back on track! I just know it!

On complete:

Lady Moonberry says: I'm sure you and Ysera have a lot to talk about.

Ysera starts the next quest, N [60] For Queen and Grove!.


  1. N [60] Report to Moonberry
  2. N [60] The Heart of the Forest
  3. N [60] The Boon of Shapes
  4. N [60] Show, Don't Tell
  5. N [60] Break a Leg
  6. N [60] The Fourth Wall, er, War
  7. N [60] What's My Motivation?
  8. N [60] For Queen and Grove!
  9. N [60] Keeper of Great Renown
  10. N [60] The Forest Will Sing Your Name
  11. N [60] A Call to Service
  12. N [60] A Calling in Ardenweald
  13. N [60] Who Shapes the Forest
  14. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  15. N [60] Recover the Lost
  16. N [60] Do What We Cannot
  17. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  18. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  19. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  20. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  21. N [60] Hopeful News
  22. N [60] Flutterback
  23. N [60] Recovered Souls
  24. N [60] The First New Growth
  25. N [60] The Forge of Bonds
  26. N [60] The Boon of Binding
  27. N [60] Strengthening the Bond
  28. N [60] A Conduit for Growth
  29. N [60] The Endless Forest

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