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AllianceWhat's Your Specialty?
Start Lindie Springstock
End Hunter Dalgrun Steelpine
Paladin Ezul'aan
Warrior Kualiang Thunderfist
Druid Mithlos Falconbriar
Mage Frazzle Frostfingers
Priest Patrice Lancaster
Monk Juisheng Halfclaw
Rogue Veruca Darkstream
Shaman Mulric Boldrock
Warlock Laphandrus Voidheart
Level 7-10
Category Stormwind City
Experience 510
Previous A [7-10] License to Ride
Next A [7-10] Home Is Where the Hearth Is
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [7-10] What's Your Specialty?.


Speak with <quest ender> to learn about combat specializations.

  • Speak with <quest ender> to learn about specializations
  • Activate a combat specialization


Hey, <name>! Have you decided on a combat specialization yet?

Since you're a <class>, you already know about the different classes available to adventurers. But did you know that there are also areas of specialization within each class?

Choosing a specialization is an important decision. Your specialty determines your combat role in a party, as well as the kinds of weapons and abilities that you will use.

Let's go speak with <quest ender> to learn more about specializations!


You will receive:


Greetings. Have you come to learn about combat specializations?


Excellent choice of specialization, <name>.

Feel free to test out your new abilities on the training dummies outside.


On accept
Lindie Springstock says: Let's visit a trainer to learn about specializing your skill set!
After activating a specialization
Lindie Springstock says: An excellent choice, indeed!
On complete
Quartermaster Richter says: Hey <name>! I have some fresh armaments that the admiral thought you might be interested in purchasing.


  1. A [7-10] Welcome to Stormwind
  2. A [7-10] Finding Your Way
  3. A [7-10] License to Ride
  4. A [7-10] What's Your Specialty?
  5. A [7-10] Home Is Where the Hearth Is
  6. A [7-10] An Urgent Meeting
  7. A [7-10] Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War
  8. A [10-50] The Nation of Kul Tiras

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